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王燕 副教授, 独立PI, 博导    

王燕博士于202111月加入以色列理工学院中国校区,广东以色列理工学院GTIITGuangdong Technion),化学工程系,任副教授,独立pi, 博士生导师。她于2018年博士毕业于澳大利亚蒙纳士大学,于2021年在日本东京大学电子电工系完成博士后研究。王燕博士在柔性电子相关领域顶尖学术刊物,如ScienceNature ElectronicsScience AdvancesPNASChemical Society ReviewsAdvanced Materials等发表论文50+篇,其中IF大于1028篇,H因子为30ESI高被引论文4; 授权澳大利亚专利1项、申请美国专利3项、日本专利转化1项;获得2018国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(每年全球500人)、Nanoscale 2023 Emerging Investigators等奖项。相关研究成果被CNNScience、澳大利亚主流媒体如Herald Sun和日本日刊工业新闻等知名媒体亮点报道。在广东以色列理工学院,王燕课题组的主要研究方向为柔性材料设计和柔性可穿戴电子开发,以期实现其在个人健康医疗和物联网等方面的实际应用。


PI 简介:https://www.gtiit.edu.cn/en/viewStaff.aspx?staffNo=191

谷歌学术: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IUHWtQ0AAAAJ&hl=en

Education and postdoc training:

2019.02-2021.11   Postdoc, The University of Tokyo, Japan (with Prof. Takao Someya)                       

2018.07-2019.01   Postdoc, Monash University, Australia 
2014.09–2018.07  Ph.D. in ChE, Monash University, Australia (with Prof. Wenlong Cheng, George P. Simon)

2007.09–2014.07  M.S. and B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering, Wuhan Textile University, China 


Teaching commitment at Guangdong Technion:

August 2022 - July 2026 Academic counselor, Cohort 2022, Chemical Engineering

Spring semester

054351 Polymer 2 (undergraduate levels), GTIIT (2.5 credits)

54406 SENIOR THESIS 1 (undergraduate levels), GTIIT (3 credits)

54407 SENIOR THESIS 2 (undergraduate levels), GTIIT (3 credits)

Winter semester

056391 Sensors Based on Nano (Bio) Materials (graduate and undergraduate levels), GTIIT (2.5 credits)

54406 SENIOR THESIS 1 (undergraduate levels), GTIIT (3 credits)

54407 SENIOR THESIS 2 (undergraduate levels), GTIIT (3 credits)


Hosting 8 national, provincial, and municipal level projects.


1.担任《Small》 (Wiley) (Q1, IF 15.153)、《Chinese Chemical Letters》(Q1, IF 6.779)、《Materials Today Bio》(Q1, IF 10.16)、《Polymers》(Q1, IF 4.96)、《Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology》(Q1, IF 6.064)、《Exploration》(青年) 编委,《Materials Today Communications(Q2, IF 3.662)专题编委。

2.担任Nature Biomedical Engineering、Science Advances、Nature Communications、Advanced Functional Materials、 Science Bulletin、Advanced Fiber Materials、ACS Energy letters、Composites Science and Technology、Analytical Chemistry、ACS Sensors、Small、Macromolecules、FLEPS conference、Materials Today Bio、Nano LettersSCI期刊审稿人。