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张耀 博士后 讲师    

        广西师范大学“药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室”专职科研岗人员,讲师。2018年毕业于广西师范大学并获得理学博士学位。目前在美国密歇根大学进行博士后深造。迄今以第一作者身份在Nature CommunicationsEuropean Journal of Medicinal ChemistryOncotargetJournal of Inorganic Biochemistry等期刊发表SCI论文7篇。


1. Zhang Y, Jiang Y, Gao K, Sui D, Yu P, Su M, Wei GW, Hu J. Structural insights into the elevator-type transport mechanism of a bacterial ZIP metal transporter. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 385.

2. Yue JP#, Zhang Y#, Liang WG, Gou XW, Lee P, Liu H, Lyv WQ, Tang WJ, Yang F*, Liang H*, Wu XY*. In vivo epidermal migration requires focal adhesion targeting of ACF7. Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 11692.

3. Ma YL#, Yue JP#, Zhang Y#, Shi CZ#, Odenwald M, Liang WG, Wei Q, Goel A, Gou XW, Zhang J, Chen SY, Tang WJ, Turner JR, Yang F*, Liang H*, Qin HL*, Wu XY*. ACF7 regulates inflammatory colitis and intestinal wound response by orchestrating tight junction dynamics. Nature Communications, 2017, 8: 15375.

4. Zhang Y, Zhang ZL, Gou Y, Jiang M, Khan H, Zhou ZP*, Liang H*Yang F*Design an anticancer copper(II) pro-drug based on the flexible IIA subdomain of human serum albumin. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2017, 172: 18.

5. Gou Y#, Zhang Y#, Qi JX, Chen SF, Zhou ZP, Wu XY, Liang H*Yang F*Developing an anticancer copper(II) pro-drug based on the nature of cancer cell and human serum albumin carrier IIA subdomain: mouse model of breast cancer. Oncotarget, 2016, 7: 6700467019.

6. Zhang Y, Lee P, Liang SC, Zhou ZP, Wu XY, Yang F*, Liang H*Structural basis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac binding to human serum albumin. Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 2015, 86: 11781184.

7. Zhang Y, Ho A, Yue JP, Kong LL, Zhou ZP, Wu XY, Yang F*, Liang H*Structural basis and anticancer properties of ruthenium-based drug complexed with human serum albumin. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry2014, 86: 449455.