恭喜2019级博士生江名的论文被《J. Med. Chem.》接收!
祝贺课题组博士研究生江名题为“Developing a Copper(II) Agent Based on His-146 and His-242 Residues of Human Serum Albumin Nanoparticles: Integration To Overcome Cisplatin Resistance and Inhibit the Metastasis of Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer”的研究论文被J. Med. Chem.接收!
Jiang M, Zhang ZL, Li WJ, Man XY, Sun HB, Liang H*, Yang F*. Developing a copper(II) agent based on His-146 and His-242 residues of human serum albumin nanoparticles: integration to overcome cisplatin resistance and inhibit the metastasis of nonsmall cell lung cancer. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 65: 9447−9458.