当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  袁玉玲柔性芳纶镍电极的工作被JMCA遴选为HOT PAPER/Yuling's aramid nickel for water splitting is acceped in JMC A
袁玉玲柔性芳纶镍电极的工作被JMCA遴选为HOT PAPER/Yuling's aramid nickel for water splitting is acceped in JMC A


Highlighted by Royal Society of Chemistry official Wechat: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/p3qmkysOeLoL3AIFa0FIlw

for details please visit the link, and we cannot share the details of how this work panned out from the beginning.