受余雪佳副教授邀请,新加坡国立大学Chinghua Lee (李庆华) 教授访问福州大学物理系,并做报告“非厄米物理中的有趣世界(The intriguing world of non-Hermitian physics)”。李教授同时也是天津大学-新加坡国立大学福州国际联合院的双聘导师,非常乐意与福大师生交流合作。报告后,李教授参观了福建省量子信息与量子光学重点实验室。
Dr. Ching Hua Lee obtained a PhD from Stanford University in 2015 under the supervision of Xiao-Liang Qi. He is current an adjunct assistant professor at the National University of Singapore, where he mainly works on novel non-equilibrium Floquet and non-Hermitian phenomena, as well as their physical realizations in various classical and quantum setups.