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罗丹 浙江海洋大学讲师,研究生导师     进组时间: 2023年11月




2023.11-至今 浙江海洋大学海洋科学与技术学院讲师

2020.10 -- 2023.09 北海道大学(QS:141)&日本国立物质材料研究所(NIMS) 材料化学专业 博士

2017.09 -- 2020.06 上海大学&中国科学院上海高等研究院 应用化学专业 硕士

2012.09 -- 2016.06 郑州大学 环境工程专业 学士


担任本科生公共专业课《海洋资源概论》、研究生选修课《海洋环境化学》和留学生选修课《Modern biotechnology》教学工作


从事电活性微生物的胞外电子转移机理和应用研究,微生物-材料杂化体系的设计和应用,微生物电化学固碳、提锂铀等方面的研究工作。近年来在Small,Small Methods,Bioresource Technology,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Electrochimica Acta,Coordination Chemistry Reviews等期刊发表SCI论文8篇,其中第一作者(包括共同一作)发表4篇(TOP期刊3篇),申请或授权中国发明专利5项。参与壳牌合作项目和国家自然基金项目面上项目等。


1. Dan Luo, Jing Qian, Haojie Zhang, Chao Lin, Qi Xiao, Xiaopeng Li*. Nanoarchitecturing hydrogen electrode with intimately coupled ion-conducting and catalytic phases for enhanced intermediate-temperature steam electrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 969:172362.

2. Divya Naradasu, Waheed Miran, Luo Dan, Sotaro Takano, Akihiro Okamoto. Material-Microbes Interactions, Chapter 15 - Drug efficiency monitoring using biofilm/electrode interfacial electron transfer associated with pathogen metabolisms, ELSEVIER, 2023. (Book)

3. Xiao Deng#, Dan Luo#, Akihiro Okamoto*. Defined and unknown roles of conductive nanoparticles for the enhancement of microbial current generation: A review. Bioresource technology, 2022, 350. 

4. Xiao Deng#, Dan Luo#, Akihiro Okamoto*. Electrode hydrophilicity enhanced the rate of extracellular electron uptake in Desulfovibrio ferrophilus IS5, Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 421. 

5. Dan Luo, Qing Xu, Jing Qian*, Xiaopeng Li*, Interface-Engineered Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell, Energy Technology, 2019, 10(7). 

6. 罗丹, 申华楠. 高校宿舍生活污水处理与回用研究-Research on Treatment and Reuse of Domestic Sewage in College Dormitories[J]. 中国科技博览, 2015(30):167-169. 

7. Qing Xu, Qian Li, Yu Guo, Dan Luo, Jing Qian, Xiaopeng Li*,  Yong Wang*,Multiscale Hierarchically Engineered Carbon Nanosheets Derived from Covalent Organic Framework for Potassium-Ion Batteries. Small Methods, 2020, 4, 2000159. 

8. Qing Xu, Jing Qian, Dan Luo, Guojuan Liu, Yu Guo, Gaofeng Zeng*,Ni/Fe Clusters and Nanoparticles Confined by Covalent Organic Framework Derived Carbon as Highly Active Catalysts toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction and Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Advanced Sustainable Systems. 2020, 4, 2000115. 

9. Qing Xu, Hao Zhang, Yu Guo, Jing Qian, Shuai Yang, Dan Luo, Peng Gao, Dekun Wu, Xiaopeng Li*, Zheng Jiang, Yuhan Sun*, Standing Carbon‐Supported Trace Levels of Metal Derived from Covalent Organic Framework for Electrocatalysis. Small, 2019, 15(50).


钱婧; 罗丹; 李小鹏; 孙予罕 ; 用于电解水的消除内短路的氧化铈基固体电池及其制备方法和用途,2020-09-18,中国,CN201810754182.X


国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 21972163, 基于规整限域空间的负载型金属原子簇的精准制备与氧还原催化机理研究, 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 65万元, 资助期满, 参与。