2020.9-至今 河海大学 城市水务(工学博士)
2017.9-2020.6 陕西科技大学 材料工程(工学硕士)
2013.9-2017.6 安徽科技学院 无机非金属材料工程(工学学士)
研究领域涉及非常规水资源综合利用研究,包括海水/苦咸水淡化、土壤水/空气水收集、水能捕获及发电等。在国内外学术期刊如Nature Communications、Advanced Materials、SusMat、ACS Nano、Nano Energy和Small上发表了36篇SCI论文,其中第一/通讯作者论文17篇。ESI高被引论文入选3篇,总引用次数超过1700次,H指数为21。申请国家专利8项,已授权7项(包含第一发明人4项)。担任国际顶级期刊Nature Communications,Chemical Engineering Journal,Desalination的审稿人/仲裁审稿人,以及本科生毕业论文的外审专家。主持河海大学优秀博士论文培养项目和江苏省研究生创新项目各一项,参与国家自然科学基金项目2项。多次参加国内会议,进行报告,并且作为会议主要协调人(2/2),协助《第一届光热界面蒸发研讨会》顺利举办。
1. Zhengtong Li, Chengbing Wang*, et al., Fast-growing field of interfacial solar steam generation: evolutional materials, engineered architectures, and synergistic applications, Solar RRL 3 (2019) 1800206. [ESI高被引]
2. Zhengtong Li, Chengbing Wang*, et al., Arched bamboo charcoal as interfacial solar steam generation integrative device with enhanced water purification capacity, Advanced Sustainable Systems 3 (2019) 1800144. [期刊引用TOP 5]
3. Zhengtong Li#, Jing Zhang#, et al., Engineering controllable water transport of biosafety cuttlefish juice solar absorber toward remarkably enhanced solar-driven gas-liquid interfacial evaporation, Nano Energy 73 (2020) 104834.
4. Zhengtong Li, Xingtao Xu*, et al., Solar-powered sustainable water production: state-of-the-art technologies for sunlight-energy-water nexus, ACS Nano 12(2021)12535-12566. [ESI高被引]
5. Taotao Meng, Zhengtong Li*, et al. Programmed design of selectively-functionalized wood aerogel: Affordable and mildew-resistant solar-driven evaporator, Nano Energy 87(2021)106146.
6. Taotao Meng, Zhengtong Li*, et al., MOF-derived nanoarchitectured carbons in wood sponge enable solar-driven pumping for high-efficiency soil water extraction, Chemical Engineering Journal 452 (2023) 139193. [ESI高被引]
7. Jinhu Wang, Zhengtong Li*, et al. Recent advances of green electricity generation: potential in solar interfecial evaporation system, Advanced Materials 36 (2024) 2311151 .
8. Zhengtong Li#, Jia-Han Zhang#, Jiaoyang Li#, et al. Dynamical Janus-like Behavior Excited by Passive Cold-Heat Modulation in the Earth-Sun/Universe System: Opportunities and Challenges, Small (2024).
9. Zhengtong Li, Tao Yang*, et al., A new paradigm of water-enabled electrical energy generation, SusMat (2024).
10. Jia-Han Zhang, Zhengtong Li, et al., Electrospun micropyramid array of self-assembly for boosted multidisciplinary performances and imperceptibility of on-skin devices, Nature Communications 13(1) (2022) 5839. [Nature子刊,作者排序 2/20]
11. Baohua Liu, Chengyu He*, Yang Li, Zhengtong Li, et al., Quasi-metallic high-entropy spinel oxides for full-spectrum solar energy harvesting, Matter 7(1) (2024) 140-157. [Cell子刊,作者排序 4/10]
1. 李政通,蔡昊天,李娇阳,杨涛,一种被动光热除冰的超疏水防覆冰涂层及其制备方法和应用[P]. 江苏省:CN202210799708.2,2023-08-29.
2. 李政通,李娇阳,杨涛,蔡昊天,一种聚苯胺-木材双层蒸发材料制备方法及其应用[P]. 江苏省:CN202210736169.8,2023-09-28.
3. 李政通,孟繁陟,杨涛,蒋佳怡,蔡昊天,一种光风耦合驱动的生物质基光热材料的制备方法[P]. 江苏省:CN202210736050.0,2023-09-28.
4. 李政通,蒋佳怡,杨涛,孟繁陟,蔡昊天,一种基于三明治结构薄膜的蒸发器及其制备方法和应用[P]. 江苏省:CN202210772192.2,2023-09-28.