2013年9月-2015年8月,UC San Diego,访问学者,纳米工程,师从Joseph Wang教授
深圳大学2035计划, 富集分析技术,100万, 2023.01-2024.12
审稿:担任Nat. Electro., Nat. Commun., Sci. Adv., Chem. Rev., Adv. Mater., Angew., Adv. Funct. Mater., ACS Nano, Small, NPG Flexiable Electronics, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Nanoscale, NPG Asia Materials, Anal. Chem.,等120个杂志审稿专家
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology(SCI, IF:5.7, Q1) 副主编
Journal of Functional Biomaterials (SCI, IF:4.8, Q2) 编委
Chinese Chemical Letters (SCI, IF:9.1, Q1)青年编委
Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering (ESCI, IF: 3.7)青年编委
2023年10月:World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022 (全球排名52165)
2022年11月: 2021 Cell Press China Paper of the Year
2022年10月:World’s Top 2% Scientists 2022 (全球排名84111)
2017年12: 学科竞赛优秀指导教师, 2017年第九届北京市大学生化学实验竞赛, 省部级, 一等奖, 排名1
2015年06:北京科技大学2014年度十佳新闻人物(Top 10)
2017年06:北京科技大学校长奖章(Top 10)
2017年06:北京市优秀毕业生(Top 1%)
1. 许太林,许利苹,宋永超,张学记,一种超浸润高灵敏电化学微芯片、制备及应用。ZL201711375543.1
2. 许太林,何学成,许利苹,张学记,王树涛,一种基于超浸润微芯片的快速检测水质中重金属的方法。 ZL201810049539.4
3. 许太林,罗勇,张学记,一种基于超声的微量液滴快速搅拌装置。ZL201821204506.4
4. 许太林,罗勇,张学记,一种微量液滴加速搅拌装置。ZL201821684751.X
5. 许太林,宋永超,许利苹,张学记,一种用于多体系检测的超浸润纳米枝状金/石墨烯微芯片。ZL20181 1189805.X
6. 许太林,宋永超,张学记,一种基于微柱阵列的微液滴高通量电化学传感器。ZL201910002081. 1
7. 许太林,何学成,张学记,一种胶带基电化学汗液传感器,ZL201911036907.2
8. 许太林,罗勇,张学记,一种基于超声体波在毛细管中三维细胞培养的方法,ZL201910934669.0
9. 许太林,代兵,张学记,可调温柔性热电器件及其制备方法与应用,ZL202110406971.6
10. 许太林,罗勇,张学记,传感检测芯片及其制备方法和标志物的检测方法,ZL202210609091.3
Zhong, G.; Liu, Q.*; Wang, Q.; Qiu, H.; Li, H.; Xu, T.*, Fully integrated microneedle biosensor array for wearable multiplexed fitness biomarkers monitoring. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2024, 116697.
Zou, F.; Luo, Y.; Zhuang, W.; Xu, T.*, A Fully Integrated Conformal Wearable Ultrasound Patch for Continuous Sonodynamic Therapy. Adv. Mater. 2409528.
Luo, Y.; Song, Y.; Wang, J.; Xu, T.*; Zhang, X.*, Integrated Mini-Pillar Platform for Wireless Real-Time Cell Monitoring. Research 2024, 7, 0422.
[108] X. He, D. Liu, B. Cui, H. Huang, S. Dai, I. Pang, Y. Qiao, T. Xu*, S. Zhang*, Extreme Hydrogel Bioelectronics. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2405896.
Wang, Q.; Liu, Q.; Zhong, G.; Xu, T.*; Zhang, X.*, Wearable Vertical Graphene-Based Microneedle Biosensor for Real-Time Ketogenic Diet Management. Anal. Chem. 2024.
He, X.; Cui, Z.; Zhang, F.; Li, Y.; Tu, J.; Cao, J.; Wang, J.; Qiao, Y.; Xi, P.; Xu, T.*; Chen, X.*; Zhang, X.*, Multiscale Heterogeneities-Based Piezoresistive Interfaces with Ultralow Detection Limitation and Adaptively Switchable Pressure Detectability. ACS Nano 2024. 18 (11), 8296-8306.
Zhou, Z.; Xu, T.*; Zhang, X.*, Empowerment of AI algorithms in biochemical sensors. TrAC, Trends Anal. Chem. 2024, 173, 117613. (IF: 11.8,分析化学一区)
Xiao, J.; Zhou, Z.; Zhong, G.; Xu, T.*; Zhang, X.*, Self-Sterilizing Microneedle Sensing Patches for Machine Learning-Enabled Wound pH Visual Monitoring. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2315067.
Wang, J.; Zhou, Z.; Luo, Y.; Xu, T.*; Xu, L.*; Zhang, X.*, Machine Learning-Assisted Janus Colorimetric Face Mask for Breath Ammonia Analysis. Anal. Chem. 2024, 96, 381-387
Wang, L.; Luo, Y.; Song, Y.; He, X.; Xu, T.*; Zhang, X.*, Hydrogel-Functionalized Bandages with Janus Wettability for Efficient Unidirectional Drug Delivery and Wound Care. ACS Nano 2024.
Zhang, S.; Luo, Y.; Zhuang, W.; Zhong, G.; Su, L.; Xu, T.*; Zhang, X.*, Fully Integrated Ratiometric Fluorescence Enrichment Platform for High-Sensitivity POC Testing of Salivary Cancer Biomarkers. Anal. Chem. 2023. 95, 18739-18747.
Luo, Y.; Chen, J.; Liang, J.; Liu, Y.; Liu, C.*; Liu, Y.*; Xu, T.*; Zhang, X.*, Ultrasound-enhanced catalytic hairpin assembly capable of ultrasensitive microRNA biosensing for the early screening of Alzheimer's disease. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2023, 242, 115746.
G. Tian, Z. Zhou, M. Li, X. Li, T. Xu,* X. Zhang, Oriented Antibody-Assembled Metal–Organic Frameworks for Persistent Wearable Sweat Cortisol Detection. Anal. Chem. 2023.
Y. Song, L. Wang, T. Xu*, G. Zhang, X. Zhang,*Emerging open-channel droplets array for biosensing.National Science Review, 2023, 10, nwad106.
J. Xiao, J. Wang, Y. Luo, T. Xu,* and X. Zhang,* Wearable Plasmonic Sweat Biosensor for Acetaminophen Dru Monitoring. ACS Sensors, 2023. 8, 4, 1766–1773.
Luo, Y.; Zhou, M.; Fan, C.; Song, Y.; Wang, L.; Xu, T.; Zhang, X., Active Enrichment of Nanoparticles for Ultra-Trace Point-of-Care COVID-19 Detection. Anal. Chem. 2023, 95 (12), 5316-5322.
.Zhao, H.; Zheng, Y.; Cai, Y.; Xu, T.*; Dong, R.*; Zhang, X.*, Intelligent metallic micro/nanomotors: From propulsion to application . Nano Today 2023, 52, 101939.
Luo, Y., Zhou, M., Wang, L., Fan, C., Xu, T.*, Zhang, X.*, Programmable-Modulated Ultrasonic Transducer Array for Contactless Detection of Viral RNAs. Small Methods 2023, 2300592.
Xiangnan Li, Bing Dai, Lirong Wang, Xuejun Yang, Tailin Xu,* Xueji Zhang, Radiative cooling and anisotropic wettability in E-textile for comfortable biofluid monitoring. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2023, 115434.
X. He, W. Wang, S. Yang, F. Zhang, Z. Gu, B. Dai, T. Xu,* Y. Huang and X. Zhang*, Adhesive Tapes: from Daily Necessities to Flexible Smart Electronics. Appl. Phys. Rev., 2023, 10, 011305
C. Fan, Y. Luo, M. Tian, M. Zhou, L. Wang, T. Xu,* and X Zhang*, Integrated Microsystem Toward High-Throughput Automated Green Synthesis and Raman Enhancement Performance Screening of Noble-Metal@Cu-MOF. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2211845
L. Wang, J. Wang, C. Fan, T. Xu,* X. Zhang, Skin-like hydrogel-elastomer based electrochemical device for comfortable wearable biofluid monitoring. Chem. Eng. J. 2023. 455, 140609.
M. Zhou, Y. Luo, L. Wang, C. Fan, T. Xu,* X. Zhang*, Integrated microdroplet array platform with temperature controller and micro-stirring for ultra-fast SARS-CoV-2 detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2023, 220. 114903
Q. Zhu, T. Yan, Y. Yang, Y. Song, J. Lu, Y. Luo, L. Xu,* T. Xu,* Programmable Microparticle Array for In Situ Modification and Multiple miRNA Detection. ACS Sens 2022, 7, 3654-3659.
Y. Luo, H. Gao, M. Zhou, L. Xiao, T. Xu,* X. Zhang, Integrated Acoustic Chip for Culturing 3D Cell Arrays. ACS Sens. 2022, 7, 2654-2660.
X. He, C. Fan, Y. Luo, T. Xu,* X. Zhang*, Flexible microfluidic nanoplasmonic sensors for refreshable and portable recognition of sweat biochemical fingerprint. npj Flexible Electronics 2022, 6, 60.
Y. Luo, C. Fan, Y. Song, T. Xu,* X. Zhang, Ultra-trace enriching biosensing in nanoliter sample. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2022, 210.
M. Zhou, C. Fan, L. Wang, T. Xu,* X. Zhang, Enhanced Isothermal Amplification for Ultrafast Sensing of SARS-CoV-2 in Microdroplets. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94 (10), 4135-4140.
L. Wang, M. Zhou, T. Xu,* and X. Zhang, Multifunctional hydrogel as wound dressing for intelligent wound monitoring, Chem. Eng. J , 2022, 433, 134625.
X. Jin, G. Li, T. Xu,* L. Su, D. Yan, X. Zhang*, fully integrated flexible biosensor for wearable continuous glucose monitoring, Biosens. Bioelectron. 2022, 196.
Y. Huang, T. Xu*, Y. Luo, C. Liu, X. Gao, Z. Cheng, Y. Wen, X. Zhang* Ultra-Trace Protein Detection by Integrating Lateral Flow Biosensor with Ultrasound Enrichment. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93 (5), 2996
X. Jin, G. Li, T. Xu*, L. Su, D. Yan, X. Zhang*, Fully integrated flexible biosensor for wearable continuous glucose monitoring. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2021.
X. He, C. Fan, T. Xu,* X. Zhang*, Biospired Janus Silk E-Textiles with Wet-Thermal Comfort for Highly Efficient Biofluid Monitoring. Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 8880
X. Jin, C. Liu, T. Xu,* L. Su, X. Zhang* Artificial Intelligence Biosensors: Challenges and Prospects. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2020, 165, 112412
X. He, S. Yang, Q Pei, Y. Song, C. Liu, T. Xu,* X. Zhang.* Integrated Smart Janus Textile Bands for Self-pumping Sweat Sampling and Analysis. ACS Sens., 2020, 5, 1548-1554
T. Xu,* Y. Luo, C. Liu, X. Zhang,* and S. Wang,* Integrated Ultrasonic Aggregation-Induced Enrichment with Raman Enhancement for Ultrasensitive and Rapid Biosensing. Anal. Chem., 2020, 92 (11), 7816-7821.
Q. Zhu, T. Xu,* Y. Song, Y. Luo, L. Xu,* and X. Zhang, Integrating Modification and Detection in Acoustic Microchip for in-situ Analysis. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2020, 158, 112185
8. Y. Song, T. Xu,* X. Song, X. Zhang*, Integrated Microdroplets Array for Intelligent Electrochemical Fabrication. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 1910329
X. He, Q. Pei, T. Xu,* Y. Song, X. Zhang,* Microdroplet-captured Tapes for Rapid Sampling and SERS Detection of Food Contaminants. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2020, 152, 112013
X. Hu, M. Tian,* T. Xu,* X. Sun, B. Sun, C. Sun, X. Liu, X. Zhang,* L. Qu.* Multiscale Disordered Porous Fibers for Self-Sensing and Self-Cooling Integrated Smart Sportswear. ACS Nano 2020. 14, 559
Y. Song, T. Xu,* J. Xiu, X. Zhang* Mini-Pillar Microarray for Individually Electrochemical Sensing in Microdroplets. Biosens. Bioelectron., 2020, 149, 111845.
F. Sun, M. Tian,* X. Sun, T. Xu,* X. Liu, S. Zhu, X. Zhang,* L. Qu,* Stretchable Conductive Fibers of Ultrahigh Tensile Strain and Stable Conductance Enabled by a Worm-Shaped Graphene Microlayer, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 6592-6599.
Xu, T.; Xu, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S. Bioinspired Superwettable Micropatterns for Biosensing. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2019, 48, 3153-3165
X. He, T. Xu,* Z. Gu, W. Gao, L. Xu, T. Pan, X. Zhang.* Flexible and superwettable bands as a platform toward sweat sampling and sensing. Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 4296-4300.
X. He, T. Xu,* W. Gao, L. Xu, T. Pan, X. Zhang*. Flexible Superwettable Tapes for On-Site Detection of Heavy Metals. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 14105-14110
Xu; Song, Y.; Gao, W.; Wu, T.; Xu, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Superwettable Electrochemical Biosensor toward Detection of Cancer Biomarkers. ACS Sens., 2018, 3, 72-78.
Xu, T.; Shi, W.; Huang, J.; Song, Y.; Zhang, F.; Xu, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Superwettable Microchips as a Platform toward Microgravity Biosensing. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 621-626.
Xu, T.; Gao, W.; Xu, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Fuel-Free Synthetic Micro-/Nanomachines. Adv. Mater. 2017. 29, 1603250
Xu, T.; Soto, F.; Gao, W.; Dong, R.; Garcia-Gradilla, V.; Magana, E.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J., Reversible Swarming and Separation of Self-Propelled Chemically Powered Nanomotors under Acoustic Fields. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 2163-2166.
Xu, T.; Soto, F.; Gao, W.; Garcia-Gradilla, V.; Li, J.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J., Ultrasound-Modulated Bubble Propulsion of Chemically Powered Microengines. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 8552-8555.