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熊永臣 三级教授    

       熊永臣,男,重庆酉阳人,1983年出生,博士,教授(三级),博士生导师,新加坡国立大学、中国科学院固体物理研究所访问学者,湖北省信息学会理事,十堰市工业经济咨询委员会专家,湖北汽车工业学院科学技术发展研究院副院长,“量子信息与精密光学十堰市重点实验室”主任,校“微纳结构与量子器件学科创新团队”负责人,校“东风学子”。兼任国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家,多种省、市自然科学基金评审专家,PRL、PRB、PCCP等领域顶尖期刊评审专家。主要从事量子电子学与量子磁学、新型汽车电力电子材料与器件等方面的理论研究。先后获“十堰市青年岗位能手”“十堰市青年科技奖”“校优秀教师标兵”等荣誉称号和奖励。主持国家自然科学基金1项、湖北省自然科学基金2项,省级科研平台科研项目3项,企业横向课题2项,参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等各类科研项目20余项。以第一或通讯作者身份在Phys. Rev. B, Supercond. Sci. Technol., J. Chem. Phys.,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等国际著名杂志上发表SCI论文近40篇,含领域TOP期刊14篇,2篇论文被选为TOP期刊封面论文或热点论文。相关成果先后获得湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文奖、十堰市自然科学优秀学术论文奖等荣誉。指导研究生获国家奖学金3项,指导本科生获省级优秀毕业论文3项。主讲《固体物理学》、《普通物理学》等课程。


12019/07-2019/12,中国科学院,固体物理研究所,访问学者,导师:曾雉 研究员;

22016/12-2017/06,新加坡国立大学,物理学院,访问学者,导师:冯元平 教授;

32006/09-2012/12,武汉大学,物理科学与技术学院/凝聚态物理专业,硕博连读,导师:王为忠 教授;






4、储能与动力电池湖北省重点实验室开放基金项目, ZDK22023A04, 磁性自由基有机分子体系中量子干涉介导的自旋热电输运及其宽温域效应, 2023/11-2025/10, 2万元, 主持;


6、中国工程科技十堰产业技术研究院创新团队项目,ZCTD202201,基于二维异质结催化剂的高效二氧化碳光催化还原技术及其应用,2022/10 -2023/09主持


       8、湖北汽车工业学院博士基金,2014BK07,半导体多量子点器件材料的电性、磁性及量子相变的理论研究和设计, 2014/01-2016/12主持。



      (37) Jia-Ning Wang(#), Tan Peng(#), Xiao-Dan Chen, Yong-Dan Hou, Jun-Tao Yang, Hao Shang, Nan Nan, Yong-Chen Xiong(*), and Wu-Ming Liu(*), Review of Yu–Shiba–Rusinov bound state in quantum impurity structures: basic principle and current progress, Superconductor Science and Technology, 37, 123002 (2024), (IF = 3.7, 中科院一区,TOP期刊).


(36) Tan Peng(#), Yong-Chen Xiong(#), Chun-Bo Hua, Zheng-Rong Liu, Xiaolu Zhu, Wei Cao, Fang Lv, Yue Hou, Bin Zhou(*), Ziyu Wang(*), and Rui Xiong(*), Structural disorder-induced topological phase transitions in quasicrystals, Physical Review B, 109(19), 195301 (2024), (IF = 3.7, 中科院二区,Nature Index期刊).


(35) Zhi-Hong Yuan(#), Jun Zhang, Yong-Chen Xiong(*), Wang-Huai Zhou(*), Nan Nan, and Xin-Ke Li, Competition between different long-distance superexchange couplings in a quadripartite spin-crossover molecular device, Physical Review B, 109(11), 115421 (2024), (IF = 3.7, 中科院二区,Nature Index期刊).


(34) Jia-Ning Wang(#), Yong-Chen Xiong(*), Wang-Huai Zhou, Tan Peng, and Ziyu Wang(*), Secondary proximity effect in a side-coupled double quantum dot structure, Physical Review B, 109(6), 064518 (2024), (IF = 3.7, 中科院二区,Nature Index期刊).




    (33) Xiang-Rui Ma(#), Wei Li, Zhi-Hong Yuan, Wang-Huai Zhou, Nan Nan, Di-Fang Chen, Yong-Dan Hou, Jun Zhang(*), and Yong-Chen Xiong(*),Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states assisted by asymmetric Coulomb repulsion in a bipartite molecular device, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 35(44), 445001 (2023), (IF=2.7,中科院三区).


    (32) Ru-De Zhang(#), Chong Chen, Yi-Chong Li, Chen Jiang, Wei-Xin Li, Jin Wu, Chun-Xiang Wu Zi-Wei Zhang, Wang-Huai Zhou, Nan Nan, Yong-Chen Xiong(*), Manipulating the optimal transport orbital and virtual states in a supramolecular transistor, Chinese Journal of Physics, 84, 270–281 (2023), (IF=5.0,中科院二区).




(31)   Nan Nan(#), Wang-Huai Zhou, Jun Zhang, Wei Li, Jun-Tao Yang, Jie Chen, Yong-Chen Xiong(*), and  Guo-Long Tan(*), Phase transitions induced by exchange coupling, magnetic field, and temperature in a strongly correlated molecular trimer with a triangular topology, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(37), 22546 (2022), (IF = 3.945,中科院二区,Top期刊).


(30) Wang-Huai Zhou(#), Jun Zhang(#), Nan Nan, Wei Li, Ze-Dong He, Zhan-Wu Zhu, Yun-Pei Wu, and  Yong-Chen Xiong(*), Correlation anisotropy driven Kosterlitz-Thouless-type quantum phase transition in a Kondo simulator, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(34), 20040 (2022), (IF = 3.945,中科院二区,Top期刊), (Invited as the back cover paper).


(29) Jia-Ning Wang(#), Wang-Huai Zhou, Yu-Xiong Yan, Wei Li, Nan Nan, Jun Zhang, Ya-Nan Ma, Peng -Chao Wang, Xiang-Rui Ma, Shi-Jun Luo, and Yong-Chen Xiong(*), Unified formulations for RKKY interaction, side Kondo behavior, and Fano antiresonance in a hybrid tripartite quantum dot device with filtered density of states, Physical Review B, 106(3), 035428 (2022), (IF = 3.908, 中科院二区,Top期刊,Nature Index期刊).


(28) Peng-Chao Wang(#), Nan Nan, Jun Zhang, Wei Li, Ya-Nan Ma, Yan-Hua Fu, Yong-Chen Xiong(*), Spin-sensitive charge oscillation in a single-molecule transistor, Chinese Journal of Physics, 77, 1723 (2022), (IF = 3.957, 中科院三区).


27Peng-Chao Wang(#), Yi-Hui Wang, Chong Chen, Jun Zhang, Wei Li, Nan Nan, Jia-Ning Wang, Jun-Tao Yang, Amel Laref, and Yong-Chen Xiong (*), Frustration-controlled quantum phase transition between multiple singular two-stage Kondo behaviors in a tetrahedral quadruple quantum dot structure, Physical Review B, 105(7), 075430 (2022), (IF = 3.908, 中科院二区,Top期刊,Nature Index期刊).


26Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Jia-Ning Wang, Peng-Chao Wang, Yuan Zhou, Ya-Nan Ma, Wang-Huai Zhou and Rui Tong, Trapping integrated molecular devices via local transport circulation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(2), 5522 (2022), (IF = 3.676,中科院二区,Top期刊)




25Nan Nan (#), Wei Li, Peng-Chao Wang, Yong-Jin Hu, Guolong Tan(*), and Yong-Chen Xiong(*), Kondo effect and RKKY interaction assisted by magnetic anisotropy in a frustrated magnetic molecular device at zero and finite temperature, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23(10), 5878 (2021), (IF = 3.430, 中科院二区,Top期刊).




(24)  Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Yuan Zhou,Jun Zhang, Jun-Tao Yang, Hai-Ming Huang, Ming-Lei Cao, Chemically-engineered multipurpose spin selection in a double-level molecular device with spinterface, Results in Physics, 19: 103390 (2020), (IF = 4.019, 中科院三区).


(23) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wang-Huai Zhou, Nan Nan, Ya-Nan Ma and Wei Li, Synchronously voltage-manipulable spin reversing and selecting assisted by exchange coupling in a monomeric dimmer with magnetic interface, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(2), 422 (2020), (IF = 3.567, 中科院二区,Top期刊), (Invited as the front cover paper, and selected in 2019 PCCP HOT Articles.).




(22) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wang-Huai Zhou, Wei Li, Hai-Ming Huang, Amel Laref, Nan Nan, Jun Zhang,  and Jun-Tao Yang, Emergent electronically-controllable local-field-inducer based on a molecular break-junction with magnetic radical, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 21693 (2019) , (IF = 3.567, 中科院二区,Top期刊). (Communication).


(21) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Nan Nan, Yan-Zhang Dong, Ze-Dong He, Zhan-Wu Zhu, and Yun-Pei Wu, Scenarios of local spectral property and multifunctional spin selecting for a triple quantum dot molecule: How do the bonding and antibonding orbitals contribute to the spin currents?, Results in Physics, 15: 165566 (2019), (IF = 3.042, 中科院三区)


(20) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wei Li, Jun Zhang, Nan Nan, and Amel Laref, Voltage-controllable multifunctional spin polarizer based on side-coupled quantum dots, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 491: 165566 (2019). (IF=2.683中科院三区).


(19) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Shijun Luo, Haiming Huang, Yanan Ma and Xiong Zhang, Exchange-dependent spin polarized transport and phase transition in a triple monomer molecule, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 11158 (2019), (IF = 3.904, 中科院二区,Top期刊).


(18) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Shi-Jun Luo, Wang-Huai Zhou, Wei Li, and Chuan-Kun Zhang, Bidirectional spin filter in a triple orbital molecule junction by tuning the magnetic field along a single direction, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 150, 064110 (2019) (IF = 2.997, 中科院二区, Top期刊).




(17)Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Zhan-Wu Zhu, Ze-Dong He, Phase transition and charge transport through a triple dot device beyond the Kondo regime, Chinese Physics B, 27(10), 108503 (2018), (IF=1.223中科院三区).




(16) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wen-Lei Zhao, Wang-Huai Zhou, Jun Zhang, Effect of dot geometry on various kinds of Kondo behaviors for parallel triple dot system, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 30(10), 2865 (2017), (IF=1.180中科院四区).


(15) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Hai-Ming Huang, Wen-Lei Zhao and Amel Laref, Suppressed Kondo effect and Kosterlitz-Thouless-type phase transition induced by level difference in a triple dot device, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29(40), 405601(2017), (IF=2.649中科院二区).


(14) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Jun Zhang, Wang-Huai Zhou, Amel Laref, Voltage-controlled Kosterlitz -Thouless transitions and various kinds of Kondo behaviors in a triple dot device, Chinese Physics B, 26(9), 097102 (2017), (IF=1.223中科院三区) , (suggested by editors).


(13) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wen-Lei Zhao, Shi-Jun Luo, Gate-dependent spectral functions and many-body effect for a triple dot structure, Superlattices and Microstructures, 109, 394 (2017), (IF=2.123中科院三区).


(12)Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wang-Huai Zhou, Jun Zhang, Nan Nan, Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, spectral property and magnetic moment for a two dot structure with level difference, Chinese Physics B, 26(6), 067501 (2017), (IF=1.223中科院三区), (suggested by editors).


(11) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wang-Huai Zhou, Jun Zhang, Strongly Correlated Effects in a Triangular Dot System Induced by Inter-Dot Hopping and Coulomb RepulsionJournal of Low Temperature Physics, 187, 298-308 (2017), (IF=1.300中科院四区).


(10) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Shi-Jun Luo, Jun-Tao Yang, Hai-Ming Huang, Field-Controllable Spin Filter Based on Parallel Quantum Dot SystemsJournal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 30, 903-909 (2017), (IF=1.180中科院四区).


(9) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wei-Zhong Wang, Shi-Jun Luo, Jun-Tao Yang, Hai-Ming Huang, Screened spin-1 and -1/2 Kondo effect in a triangular quantum dot system with interdot Coulomb repulsion, Superlattices and Microstructures, 103, 180-189 (2017), (IF=2.123中科院三区).




(8) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wei-Zhong Wang, Shi-Jun Luo, Jun-Tao Yang, Tunable spin selective transport and quantum phase transition in parallel double dot system, Superlattices and Microstructures, 90, 288-296 (2016), (IF=2.123中科院三区).


(7) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wei-Zhong Wang, Shi-Jun Luo, Jun-Tao Yang, Hai-Ming Huang, RKKY interaction and local density of states for a triangular triple quantum dot system, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 399, 5-9 (2016), (IF=2.630中科院三区).


(6) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Wei-Zhong Wang, Jun-Tao Yang, Shi-Jun Luo, Phase diagram and low temperature scenario for a triangular triple dot system, Superlattices and Microstructures, 89, 145-152 (2016), (IF=2.123中科院三区).




(5) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), Shi-Jun Luo, Hai-Ming Huang, Jun-Tao Yang, Ground State Properties and Electron Transport in Parallel Double Quantum Dot System with Charge Number Ntot<=2Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 28(8), 2553-2559 (2015), (IF=1.180中科院三区).


(4) Xiong Yong-Chen(#)(*), Wang Wei-Zhong, Yang Jun-Tao, Huang Hai-MingQuantum phase transition and Coulomb blockade effect in triangular quantum dots with interdot capacitive and tunnel couplings, Chinese Physics B, 24(2), 027501 (2015), (IF=1.223中科院三区).




(3) Yong-Chen Xiong(#)(*), First- and Second-Order Phase Transition in Parallel Triple Quantum Dots: The Roles of Symmetric and Asymmetric Hopping, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 177(3-4), 115-132 (2014), (IF=1.300中科院三区).




(2) Xiong Yong-Chen(#), Wang Wei-Zhong (*), Charge oscillation and many-body effect in triangular quantum dots, Chinese Physics B, 21(11), 455-460 (2012), (IF=1.223中科院三区).


(1) Yong-Chen Xiong(#), Jin Huang, Wei-Zhong Wang(*), Gate-controlled transitions in triple dots with interdot repulsion and magnetic field, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24(45), 445604 (2012), (IF=2.649中科院三区).



(2) 熊永臣,周原,周望怀,付艳华,合伙人制度在地方高校科研团队建设中的探索与思考[J]. 教育进展, 12(12), 5413 (2022).


(1) 熊永臣,罗时军,杨俊涛. 并联双量子点体系中的RKKY相互作用及局域磁矩[J]. 湖北汽车工业学院学报,29 (04)59 (2015).



(1)《大学物理学(下册)》,副主编,机械工业出版社,李文胜,刘国营主编 (2015)。