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Openings for Research Intern, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Assistant Professor, Research Associate Professor

The Integrated Photonics and Photonic Network Research Group at the Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Xie Peng Group), is Looking for Visiting Students/ Research Intern, Postdoctoral Researchers, Research Assistant Professors, Research Associate Professors.


I. Requirements for candidates:

1. Passion for scientific research work.

     2. Background in physics, optics, microelectronics, electronic information, computer science, or related fields.

II. Research Projects Include:

1. Research on the interaction and mechanism between light and matter.

2. Optical microcavity chips, optical computing chips, and LiDAR chips.

3. On-chip/inter-chip photonic network and applications research.

4. Multi-dimensional/high-dimensional optical computing and intelligent information processing technology.

5. High-capacity optical communication devices and application systems.

6. Optoelectronic hybrid computing algorithms, AI algorithms, and circuit control.

7. Optical artificial intelligence and intelligent photonics.

If you are intersted in the positions, please send your CV to this email: pengx@siom.ac.cn.