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    新加坡国立大学刘小钢院士课题组发表评论文章,高度肯定了岩泽在“Efficient X-ray luminescence imaging with ultrastable and eco-friendly copper (I)-iodide cluster microcubes”上的工作的价值,恭喜岩泽,得到了大佬的肯定和鼓励。

    The merits of Cu4I6(pr-ted)2 as an X-ray scintillator can be generalized to most Cu(I) clusters due to their strong X-ray absorption, efficient radioluminescence, long-term stability, and eco-friendliness. However, not all Cu(I) clusters achieve the same high-quality X-ray imaging as demonstrated by Wang and co-workers. This is because conventional synthesis methods lack precise control over crystallization kinetics, resulting in irregular morphologies, non-uniform size distribution, poor dispersity of powders, and strong light scattering in scintillation films.

    In contrast, Wang et al. employ hot injection to precisely control crystallization kinetics, leading to monodisperse copper-iodide cluster microcubes with an average size of 2.2 µm. These microcubes exhibit negligible light scattering, enabling exquisite static X-ray imaging with spatial resolution up to 20 lp mm−1. Moreover, the authors showcase real-time dynamic X-ray imaging with these copper-iodide cluster microcubes, showing no ghosting effect at an imaging rate of 6.45 frames per second.


Qiu, J., Liu, X. A copper-iodide cluster microcube-based X-ray scintillator. Light Sci Appl 12, 241 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41377-023-01273-5