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陈曦 讲师    

陈曦 ,江西科技师范大学,有机功能分子研究所,讲师,2016/09—至今,南昌大学在读,分析化学,博士,2007/09—2010/03,华东理工大学,有机化学,硕士。主要研究方向生物探针、糖化学方向。


[1] Chen X, Liu Y C, Bai J, et al. A “turn-on” fluorescent probe based on BODIPY dyes for highly selective detection of fluoride ions. Dyes and Pigments. 2021, 109347.

[2] Zhidong Sun,Ziwen Gong,Chen Hu,Haiyang Huang,Xi Chen*,Qiang Xiao*: Synthesis of an isomeric nucleoside enantiomers of 1,3-bis (1’-deoxy-β-ribofuranose-2’-yl)-thymine. Advanced Materials Research . 2015, 1094:49-52;