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林嘉河 特聘研究员    


Lim Khak Ho(1987-),马来西亚华裔。


2019年博士毕业于香港科技大学(HKUST)化学与生物分子工程学系,获博士学位,于2017年赴西班牙加泰罗尼亚能源研究所(IREC)访问学习,师从Andreu Cabot教授,专注于液相胶体合成以及离子配体,设计、修饰与制备先进结构纳米材料,协同结构与能带设计,开发热电性能增强技术,突破关键器件研发瓶颈,属于欧洲独立一帜、世界科技前沿。

拥有多年产品设计、中试生产和业务开发等方面的丰富经验。毕业后从事生物可降解聚合物研究以及其产品开发,作为项目负责人带领研发团队,在中国香港建设材料生产线;作为公司最高管理层之一,于公司的推介会、路演、重要投资者及客户做演讲介绍,先后赢得阿里巴巴创业基金(Alibaba Enterprise Funds),设立及管理多项中国香港政府资助的科研项目;作为技术骨干,代表公司对外技术交流,与世界顶级大学如伦敦帝国理工学院、香港城市大学城、香港中文大学和维也纳大学等密切合作。



 [1]K. H. Lim, K. W. Wong, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, D. Cadavid, A. Cabot*, K. M. Ng*, "Critical role of nanoinclusions in silver selenide nanocomposites as a promising room temperature thermoelectric material", Journal of Materials Chemistry C" J. Mater. Chem. C2019, 7, DOI 10.1039/c9tc00163h.

 [2]K. H. Lim, K. W. Wong, D. Cadavid, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Cabot*, K. M. Ng*, "Mechanistic study of energy dependent scattering and hole-phonon interaction at hybrid polymer composite interfaces for optimized thermoelectric performance" Compos. Part B Eng.2019, 164, 54.

 [3]Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, S. Ortega, M. Ibáñez, K. H. Lim, A. Grau-Carbonell, S. Martí-Sánchez, K. M. Ng, J. Arbiol, M. V. Kovalenko, D. Cadavid, A. Cabot, M. Iba, K. Ho Lim, A. Grau-Carbonell, S. Martí-Sachez, K. Ming Ng, J. Arbiol, M. V. Kovalenko, D. Cadavid*, A. Cabot*, "Crystallographically Textured Nanomaterials Produced from the Liquid Phase Sintering of BixSb2– xTe3 Nanocrystal Building Blocks", Nano Lett.2018, 18, 2557.

 [4]Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, K. H. Lim, M. Ibáñez, S. Ortega, M. Li, J. David, S. Martí-Sánchez, K. M. Ng, J. Arbiol, M. V. Kovalenko, D. Cadavid*, A. Cabot*, " High Thermoelectric Performance in Crystallographically Textured n-Type Bi2Te3–xSex Produced from Asymmetric Colloidal Nanocrystals", ACS Nano2018, 12, 7174−7184.

 [5]Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, K. H. Lim, C. Xing, M. Li, T. Zhang, P. Tang, J. Arbiol, J. Llorca, K. M. Ng, M. Ibáñez, P. Guardia, M. Prato, D. Cadavid*, A. Cabot*, " Tin Diselenide Molecular Precursor for Solution-Processable Thermoelectric Materials" Angew. Chemie - Int. Ed.2018, 57, 17063.

[6]Y. Zhang, C. Xing, Y. Liu*, M.C. Spadaro, X. Wang, M. Li, K. Xiao, T. Zhang, P. Guardia, P., K.H. Lim, A.O. Moghaddam, J. Llorca, J. Arbiol; M. Ibáñez, A. Cabot*, "Doping-mediated stabilization of copper vacancies to promote thermoelectric properties of Cu2−xS", Nano Energy, 2021, 85: 105991.  

 [7]M. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zuo, J. Li, K.H. Lim, D. Cadavid, K.M. Ng, A. Cabot*, "Crystallographically textured SnSe nanomaterials produced from the liquid phase sintering of nanocrystals", Dalton Transactions,2019, 48: 3641-3647.