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Common analytical methods in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies -- Guo Zhiwei's Group will report

Common analytical methods used in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies


1. Basic imaging principle

   fMRI imaging in a narrow sense mainly refers to Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) fMRI imaging, which is a dynamic imaging method for studying brain functional activities and a popular imaging method for brain function studies.

Principle: Neural activity (neuron activation) -> increased local metabolism, increased energy expenditure -> increased local cerebral blood flow -> increased oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood (inverse magnetism) -> changes in the ratio of oxygenated/deoxygenated hemoglobin (paramagnetism) -> changes in local susceptibility to imaging.


3.fMRI research method is commonly used

Resting-state fMRI: resting-state electroencephalography (rsEEG) studies the activity of the cephalic surface EEG under non-task resting or eye-opening conditions. A resting EEG reflects the background of electrical activity in the brain.

Task-state fMRI: Using a single event as a task to perform certain regular task stimulation on the brain while performing fMRI imaging.

Ⅱ. Commonly used analytical methods for different fMRI research methods

Mainly involved:   

① Analysis of spontaneous and induced neural activity;     

② Analysis of Functional brain Networks (directed, undirected networks, dynamic functional connections);

③Cluster analysis, complex network based on graph theory to analyze the global and local characteristics of network connectivity, study the level of functional separation and functional integration of the brain;

④ The application of machine learning method in fMRI realizes the classification and regression of diseases through voxel-based pattern analysis;

 The purpose of this report is to introduce the common analytical methods and significance of fMRI to help you understand the literature reading content related to fMRI in the subsequent central nervous system research.