09/2011-06/2015 博士(凝聚态物理),南京大学
09/2007-09/2009 硕士(凝聚态物理), 哈尔滨工业大学
09/2006-09/2002 学士(应用物理),哈尔滨工业大学
03/2019至今 副研究员,南京工业大学
二维材料单晶生长 (MPS3 (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Mn), Cr(Si,Ge)Te3等)
06/2017-03/2019 副研究员,南京大学
06/2015-06/2017 博士后,南京大学
单晶材料生长(ZrTe5, HfTe5, InSe 等)
二维拓扑材料量子输运(ZrTe5, HfTe5 等)
1. Xiao-Hong J#, Si-Chen Q#, Zi-Yue X, Xing-Yu Z, Yi-Fan D, Wei W*, Lin W*. Study on physical properties and magnetism controlling of two-dimensional magnetic materials. Acta Physica Sinica 70, 127801-127801 (2021).
2. Xie Q, Hu C, Xu L, Chen L, Wang W*, Yin H, Cheng G*, Ai X. Stability studies of few-layer InSe nanosheets by Raman spectroscopy. Solid State Communications 336, 114417 (2021).
3. Xu L#, Wang W#, Xie Q*, Hu C, Chen L, Zheng J, Yin H, Cheng G*, Ai X. Phonon anharmonicity in bulk ZrTe5. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 53, 104-112 (2021).
4. Xie Q, Xu L, Hu C, Chen L, Zheng J, Wang W*, Yin H, Cheng G*, Ai X. Phonon anharmonicity of thermoelectric material HfTe5 studied by Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52, 988-994 (2021).
5. Guo Z#, Gu H#, Fang M, Song B, Wang W*, Chen X, Zhang C, Jiang H, Wang L, Liu S*. Complete Dielectric Tensor and Giant Optical Anisotropy in Quasi-One-Dimensional ZrTe5. ACS Materials Letters 3, 525-534 (2021).
6. Bowen Liu#, Zhe Zhang#, Kan Liao#, Rong Wu, Chao Zhu, Hongguang Xie, Chenyang Zha, Yao Yin, Xiaohong Jiang, Sichen Qin, Wei Wang*, Gang Ouyang*, Tianshi Qin, Lin Wang*, and Wei Huang. Tuning Optical Properties of Monolayer MoS2 through the 0D/2D Interfacial Effect with C60 Nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science 523, 146371 (2020)
7. Ningrum VP#, Liu B#, Wang W#, Yin Y, Cao Y, Zha C, Xie H, Jiang X, Sun Y, Qin S, Chen X, Qin T, Zhu C*, Wang L*, Huang W*. Recent Advances in Two-Dimensional Magnets: Physics and Devices towards Spintronic Applications. Research 2020, 1768918 (2020).
8. Wang P-C#, Cao Y#, Xie H-G#, Yin Y, Wang W*, Wang Z-Y, Ma X-C, Wang L*, Huang W. Magnetic properties of layered chiral topological magnetic material Cr1/3NbS2. Acta Physica Sinica 69, 117501 (2020).
9. Yun Liu#, Wei Wang#, Haoyong Lu, Qiyun Xie*, Limin Chen, Handi Yin, Guofeng Cheng*, Xiaoshan Wu, The environmental stability characterization of exfoliated few-layer CrXTe3 (X = Si, Ge) nanosheets, Applied Surface Science 511, 145452 (2020)
10. Haoyong Lu#, Wei Wang#, et al. Exfoliation, lattice vibration and air stability characterization of antiferromagnetic van der Waals NiPS3 nanosheets, Applied Surface Science 504, 144405 (2020)
11. Pei Yang#, Wei Wang#, Xiaoqian Zhang, Kejie Wang, Liang He*, Wenqing Liu, Yongbing Xu*. Quantum Oscillations from Nontrivial States in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Dirac Semimetal ZrTe5 Nanowires. Scientific reports, 9, 3558 (2019).
12. Qiyun Xie, Yun Liu, Min Wu, Haoyong Lu, Wei Wang*, Liang He, Xiaoshan Wu. Two stage magnetization in van der Waals layered CrXTe3 (X= Si, Ge) single crystals. Materials Letters, 246, 60 (2019).
13. Min Wu#, Qiyun Xie#, Yizhang Wu, Jiajin Zheng, Wei Wang*, Liang He, Xiaoshan Wu, and Bin Lv*. Crystal structure and optical performance in bulk γ-InSe single crystals. AIP Advances, 9, 025013 (2019).
14. QiYun Xie, Min Wu, LiMin Chen, Gang Bai, WenQin Zou, Wei Wang* and Liang He*. Crystallographic and magnetic properties of van der Waals layered FePS3 crystal. Chin. Phys. B, 28, 56102-056102 (2019).
15. Yingfei Li#, Wei Wang#, W. Guo, C.Y. Gu, H.Y. Sun, L. He, et al. Electronic Structure of Ferromagnetic Semiconductor CrGeTe3 by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. Physical Review B, 98,125127 (2018)
16. Wei Wang, Xiaoqian Zhang, Yafei Zhao, et al. The metal-insulator transition in ZrTe5 induced by temperature. AIP Advances 8, 125110 (2018)
17. Wei Wang, Xiaoqian Zhang, Huanfeng Xu, Yafei Zhao, et al. Evidence for Layered Quantized Transport in Dirac Semimetal ZrTe5. Scientific reports, 8, 5125 (2018).
18. Huanfeng Xu#, Wei Wang#, Yafei Zhao, Xiaoqian Zhang, et al. Temperature-induced band shift in bulk γ-InSe by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. AIP Advances, 8, 055123 (2018).
19. Xiaoqian Zhang#, Wei Wang#, Kejie Wang, Wei Niu, Bolin Lai, Nick Maltby, Mao Yang, Ming Gao, Wenqing Liu, Liang He*, Rong Zhang and Yongbing Xu*, Universal scaling of the anomalous Hall effect. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 155002 (2017).
20. Wenqin Zou#, Wei Wang#, Xufeng Kou, Murong Lang, et al. Observation of Quantum Hall Effect in an ultra-thin (Bi0.53Sb0.47)2Te3 film. Applied Physics Letters, 110, 212401 (2017).
21. Wei Wang, LiLi, Wenqin Zou*, Liang He*, Fengqi Song, Rong Zhang, Xiaoshan Wu, Fengming Zhang. Intrinsic topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te3-xSex thin crystals. Scientific reports, 5, 7931 (2015).
22. Wei Wang, Wenqin Zou*, Liang He*, Jin Peng, Rong Zhang, Xiaoshan Wu, Fengming Zhang. Magnetoresistance and nonlinear Hall effect in quaternary topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 205305 (2015).
23. Wu Y, Wang W, Pan L, Wang KL. Manipulating Exchange Bias in a Van der Waals Ferromagnet. Adv Mater, e2105266 (2021).
24. Niu W, Zhang X, Wang W, Sun J, Xu Y, He L, Liu W, Pu Y. Probing the atomic-scale ferromagnetism in van der Waals magnet CrSiTe3. Applied Physics Letters 119, 172402 (2021).
25. Ning J, Peng W, Wang W, Chen Z, Yang P, Chen Y, Zhao Y, Sun Y, Kanagaraj M, Yang L, Gao Q, Zhang J, Zhao D, Pan D, Ruan X, Li Y, Liu W, He L, Chen Z-G, Xu Y. Thermal induced spin-polarized current protected by spin-momentum locking in ZrTe5 nanowires. Physical Review B 104, 035429 (2021).
26. Zhenwei Ou#, Ti Wang#, Jibo Tang, Xinrong Zong, Wei Wang, Quanbing Guo, Chao Zhu, Wei Huang, Lin Wang* and Hongxing Xu*, Enabling and Controlling Negative Photoconductance of FePS3 Nanosheets by Hot Carrier Trapping, Advanced Optical Materials, 2000201 (2020).
27. Wu Y#, Zhang S#, Zhang J, Wang W, Zhu YL, Hu J, Yin G, Wong K, Fang C, Wan C, Han X, Shao Q, Taniguchi T, Watanabe K, Zang J, Mao Z, Zhang X, Wang KL*. Neel-type skyrmion in WTe2/Fe3GeTe2 van der Waals heterostructure. Nature communications 11, 3860 (2020).
28. Cao Y#, Huang Z#, Yin Y#, Xie H, Liu B, Wang W, Zhu C*, Mandrus D, Wang L*, Huang W*. Overview and advances in a layered chiral helimagnet Cr1/3NbS2. Materials Today Advances 7, 100080 (2020).
29. Sun Y#, Yin Y#, Pols M#, Zhong J, Huang Z, Liu B, Liu J, Wang W, Xie H, Zhan G, Zhou Z, Zhang W, Wang P, Zha C, Jiang X, Ruan Y, Zhu C, Brocks G, Wang X, Wang L*, Wang J, Tao S, Huang W*. Engineering the Phases and Heterostructures of Ultrathin Hybrid Perovskite Nanosheets. Adv Mater 32, e2002392 (2020).
30. Wu R#, Xu H#, Zhao Y#, Zha C*, Deng J, Zhang C, Lu G, Qin T, Wang W, Yin Y, Zhu C, Wang L*, Ouyang G, Huang W*. Borophene-like boron subunits-inserted molybdenum framework of MoB2 enables stable and quick-acting Li2S6-based lithium-sulfur batteries. Energy Storage Materials 32, 216-224 (2020).
31. Deqing He, Jianglu Xiang, Chenyang Zha, Rong Wu, Jun Deng, Yuwei Zhao, Hongguang Xie, You Liu, Pengcheng Wang, Wei Wang, Yao Yin, Tianshi Qin, Chao Zhu, Zhonghao Rao*, Lin Wang*, and Wei Huang *. The Efficient Redox Electron Transfer and Powered Polysulfide Confinement of Carbon Doped Tungsten Nitride with Multi-active Sites Towards High-performance Lithium-Polysulfide Batteries, Applied Surface Science, 525, 146625 (2020).
32. Yafei Zhao, Yizhe Sun, Xiaoying Hu, Jian Tu, Qinwu Gao, Wei Wang, et al. Enhancing photocatalytic activity in monolayer MoS2 by charge compensated Co-doping with P and Cl: First principles study. Molecular Catalysis, 468, 94-99 (2019).
33. Yafei Zhao, Wei Wang, Can Li, et al. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of nonmetal doped monolayer MoSe2 by hydrogen passivation: First-principles study. Applied Surface Science, 456, 133-139 (2018).
34. Yafei Zhao, Wei Wang, Can Li, Yongbing Xu, Liang He. Tuning the magnetic properties of the monolayer MoSe2 by nonmetal doping: First-principles study. Solid State Communications, 281, 6-11 (2018).
35. Enze Zhang, Jinhua Zhi, Yi-Chao Zou, Zefang Ye, Linfeng Ai, Jiacheng Shi, Ce Huang, Shanshan Liu, Zehao Lin, Xinyuan Zheng, Ning Kang, Hongqi Xu, Wei Wang, Liang He, Jin Zou, Jinyu Liu, Zhiqiang Mao, and Faxian Xiu. Signature of quantum Griffiths singularity state in a layered quasi-one-dimensional superconductor. Nature Commutation, 9, 4656 (2018).
36. Xiaoqian Zhang#, Wenqing Liu#, Yu Yan, Wei Niu, Bolin Lai, Yafei Zhao, Wei Wang, Liang He, and Yongbing Xu. The atomic-scale magnetism of Co2FeAl Heusler alloy epitaxial thin films. Apply Physics Letters, 113, 212401 (2018).
37. KeJie Wang, Wei Wang, MinHao Zhang, XiaoQian Zhang, et al. Weak Anti-Localization and Quantum Oscillations in Topological Crystalline Insulator PbTe. Chinese Physics Letters, 34, 026201 (2017).
38. Yafei Zhao, Wei Wang, Liang He. The effects of Co/N dopants on the electronic, redox potential, optical, and photocatalytic water-splitting properties of TiO2 : First principles calculations. Chemical Physics Letters, 685, 108-113 (2017).
39. Yafei Zhao, Wei Wang, Can Li, Liang He. Electronic and photocatalytic properties of N/F co-doped anatase TiO2. RSC Advances, 7, 55282-55287 (2017).
40. Yafei Zhao, Wei Wang, Can Li, Liang He. First-principles study of nonmetal doped monolayer MoSe2 for tunable electronic and photocatalytic properties. Scientific reports, 7, 17088 (2017).
41. Gu X-M, Wang W, Zhou G-T, Gao K-G, Cai H-L, Zhang F-M, et al. Effects of Si surficial structure on transport properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 films. Chinese Physics B, 25, 106701 (2016).
42. Gu X, Zhou G, Gao K, Peng J, Wang W, Zhang F, et al. Magnetism and Transport Properties of Sr2Ru1−x CoxO4 with x ≤ 0.25. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99, 2024-2028 (2016).
43. Xu Z, Huang S, Tang K, Gu S, Zhu S, Ye J, Xu M, Wei Wang, Zheng Y The compositional, structural, and magnetic properties of a Fe3O4/Ga2O3/GaN spin injecting hetero-structure grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Applied Surface Science, 388, 141-147 (2016).
2015 and before
44. Wu S, Li L, Wang W, Yu D, Liu W, Wu X, et al. Study on the front contact mechanism of screen-printed multi-crystalline silicon solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 141, 80-86 (2015).
45. Ma L, Luo H, Wang W, Li L, Zhang FM, Wu XS. Structural and optical properties of the ZnS nanobelts grown on Zn foil via a simple method. Materials Letters, 139, 364-367 (2015).
46. Xie WM, Xie QY, Zhu HP, Wang W, Cai HL, Zhang FM, et al. p-type conduction in Zn-ion implanted InN films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 48, 215102 (2015).
47. Wu S, Wang W, Li L, Yu D, Huang L, Liu W, et al. Investigation of the mechanism of the Ag/SiNx firing-through process of screen-printed silicon solar cells. RSC Advances, 4, 24384 (2014).