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廉振中 博士后(2022)     进组时间: 2022

廉振中:超快量子调控研究组成员, 中南大学博士后(合作导师:束传存教授)。2021年博士毕业于吉林大学原子与分子物理专业,主要从事有关分子转动态相干控制的实验和理论研究。研究兴趣包括:分子准直现象和二维转动光谱;分子转动态的相干控制理论;分子振转调控在量子测量、量子计算等领域的应用与扩展,已在Physical Review A,Journal of Physical Chemistry A 等国际期刊发表文章多篇,正主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。



  • 8. Z. -Z. Lian, Zhou Chen*, Juan Li, 
  • C.-C. Shu
  • * and Zhan Hu, Visualizing molecular unidirectional rotation by a rotated weak-field polarization technique

    Phys. Rev. A 108, 063108 (2023)  (dowload)

    7. Q.-Q. Hong, Z.-Z. Lian, C.-C. Shu * and  N. E. Henriksen, Quantum control of field-free molecular orientation 

    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 32763 (2023).dowload

    This article is selected as the front cover image on the issue of December 28, 2023 and  is part of the themed collections: 2023 PCCP Reviews and 2023 PCCP HOT Articles.

    6. Z.  Lian, S. Z. Luo, H. XQi, Z. Chen(共同通讯作者), C.-C. Shu*(共同通讯作者), and Z. Hu, Visualizing ultrafast  weak-field-induced rotational revivals of air molecules at room temperature, Optics Letters, 4, 411 (2023). (论文链接

    5. Z. Lian, H. Qi, J. Li, J. Bo, J. Deng, X. Liu, S. Luo, S.-y. Li, D. Fei, Z. Chen, and Z. Hu, Tracing the coherent manipulation of rotational dynamics by shaped femtosecond pulse-induced two-dimensional rotational coherent spectrum, J. Phys. Chem. A 125, 770-776 (2021)

    4. Z. Lian, Z. Hu, H. Qi, D. Fei, S. Luo, Z. Chen, and C-C Shu, Generation of fractional and multiple imaginary rotational alignment echoes Phys. Rev. A 104, 053105 (2021)

    3. H. Qi, Z. Lian, D. Fei, Z. Chen and Z. Hu, Manipulation of matter with shaped-pulse light field and its applications, Adv. Phys.- X. 6, 1949390 (2021)

    2. Q. Tong, Z. Lian, L. Zhao, H. Qi, Z. Chen, and Z. Hu, Femtosecond strong field coherent control of non-resonant ionization with shaped pulses, Chin. Phys. B 28, 033201 (2019)

    1. Q. Tong, D. Fei, Z. Lian, H. Qi, S. Zhou, S. Luo, Z. Chen, and Z. Hu, Coherent control of fragmentation of methyl iodide by shaped femtosecond pulse train, Chin. Phys. B 28, 093201(2019)