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ZhuShanshan Assistant Professor    

Zhu Shanshan, Ph.D., is currently an assistant professor at Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Her research focuses on flexible sensing materials, polymer artificial muscles, neuromorphic devices, and shape memory polymers. 

The development and research results of new Materials based on stress memory polymer and artificial muscle were published in the

 Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF=11.301). Materials Chemistry Frontiers ((IF=6.788), Advanced Materials Technologies (IF=5.969) 

and other international core journals have published relevant papers. Participate in books Shape Memory Polymers, Blends and 

Composites - Advances and Applications ", Springer, © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020 Chapter writing. He was featured 

in the magazine "Polymers: Renaissance of Fibers and Fibrous Materials" and "Materials Today: Proceedings: Guest editor of Shape

 Memory Applications, Research and Technology 2018.