当前位置: 首页   >  加入我们   >  香港城市大学孙红燕课题组招收有化学合成背景的博士生


课题组现招收博士生(申请日期截止至2022年12月),热诚欢迎具有有机合成相关研究背景的同学们申请,以第一作者发表学术论文者优先。此外,申请者需具备托福79分及以上或雅思6.5及以上的英语成绩。  如有兴趣可发送个人简历至孙红燕老师邮箱:hongysun@cityu.edu.hk  个人简历信息应包括:1.已发表的学术论文;2.本科和硕士GPA;3.英语成绩(托福或雅思)。另外,如果申请者特别优秀, 导师将推荐其申请香港HKPFS奖学金, 详情请参见 https://cerg1.ugc.edu.hk/hkpfs/index.html

We are a chemical biology team in the Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong (ranked as Asia’s top 8 universities in 2018). Our research focuses on developing new chemistry tools for biological applications, such as fluorescence probe design, bioimaging, proteomics study and drug delivery etc.

We currently have positions available for PhD students (application deadline: Dec 2021). We cordially welcome highly motivated students to apply. Applicants with synthetic chemistry background and first author research publications will be preferred. In addition, the English requirement for PhD applicant is TOEFL ≥ 79 or IELTS ≥6.5. If the student is excellent, we will recommend him/her to apply for prestigious HKPFS scholarship (

If you are interested, please send a detailed CV including the following items: 1. Publications; 2. GPA; 3. English proficiency (TOEFL or IELTS); 4. Names and contact details of 3 referees. Please submit your CV to hongysun@cityu.edu.hk