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王生浩 教授    

ResearcherID: F-4243-2015

  : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8216-1099


2019.09   全球同行评议奖(Top Peer Reviewer Award)                                      

2019.03   上海市青年科技启明星                                              

2017.07   上海市高校特聘教授(东方学者)

2014.03   日本丸文科研助成奖(Marubun Promotion Foundation,Japan)

期刊编辑 (Welcome to submit the manuscript)

                <<Materials Science & Engineering B>>编辑


                <<Journal of Alloys and Compounds>>编辑


                <<Frontiers in Physics>> 副编辑 (Interdisciplinary Physics板块)


                <<Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy>> 副编辑 (Solar cells板块)


                <<Energies>>  编委 (B1: Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Systems Section板块)


期刊客座(副)编辑(Welcome to submit the manuscript)

Journal of Alloys and Compounds(Elservier数据库,IF=5.316)https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-alloys-and-compounds/forthcoming-special-issues/perovskite-semiconductors-and-devices-from-fundamentals-to-applications

Solar Energy (Elservier数据库,IF=5.741)https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/solar-energy/special-issue/10G5PNS46DR

Frontiers in Physics (Frontiers数据库,IF=3.56)https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/9361/perovskite-solar-cells-towards-high-performance-and-high-stability

Nanomaterials (MDPI数据库,IF=5.076) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/nanomaterials/special_issues/perovskite_film


Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Energy Materials ,ACS Energy Letters,Advanced Functional Materials  ,  CHEM ,  JOULE , Nano Energy,   Journal of Materials Chemistry A Small , The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces  ,   Nanoscale  ,  Chemical Communications , Journal of Power Sources ,  Journal of Materials Chemistry C , Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells  ,  Advanced Materials Interfaces ,  Applied Physics Letters , Organic Electronics , Solar Energy  ,  The Journal of Physical Chemistry C , Solar RRL ,  ACS Applied Electronic Materials  , ACS Applied Energy Materials