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黄梅 副教授 硕士生导师    










  1. Huang, Mei; Li, Zhongwu*; Wen, Jiajun; Ding, Xiang; Zhou, Mi; Cai, Changqing; Shen, Fei*; Molecular insights into the effects of pyrolysis temperature on composition and copper binding properties of biochar-derived dissolved organic matter, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 124537.
  2. Huang, Mei; Li, Zhongwu*; Chen, Ming; Wen, Jiajun; Luo, Ninglin; Xu, Weihua; Ding, Xiang; Xing, Wenle. Dissolved organic matter released from rice straw and straw biochar: Contrasting molecular composition and lead binding behaviors, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 739, 140378.
  3. Huang, Mei; Li, Zhongwu*; Chen, Ming; Wen, Jiajun; Xu, Weihua; Ding, Xiang; Yang, Ren; Luo, Ninglin; Xing, Wenle. In situ investigation of intrinsic relationship between protonation behavior and HA characteristics in sediments, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 683, 258-266.
  4. Huang, Mei; Li, Zhongwu*; Luo, Ninglin; Yang, Ren; Wen, Jiajun; Huang, Bin; Zeng, Guangming. Application potential of biochar in environment: Insight from degradation of biochar-derived DOM and complexation of DOM with heavy metals. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 646, 220-228. (ESI高被引论文)
  5. Li, Zhongwu1,*; Huang, Mei1; Luo, Ninglin; Wen, Jiajun; Deng, Chuxiong; Yang, Ren. Spectroscopic study of the effects of dissolved organic matter compositional changes on availability of cadmium in paddy soil under different water management practices. Chemosphere, 2019, 225, 414-423.
  6. Huang, Mei; Li, Zhongwu*; Huang, Bin; Luo, Ninglin; Zhang, Qiu; Zhai, Xiuqing; Zeng, Guangming. Investigating binding characteristics of cadmium and copper to DOM derived from compost and rice straw using EEM-PARAFAC combined with two-dimensional FTIR correlation analyses. Journal of Hazardous materials, 2018, 344(Supplement C), 539-548. (ESI高被引论文)
  7. Huang, Mei; Zhu, Yi; Li, Zhongwu*; Huang, Bin; Luo, Ninglin; Liu, Chun; Zeng, Guangming. Compost as a soil amendment to remediate heavy metal-contaminated agricultural soil: Mechanisms, efficacy, problems, and strategies. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2016, 227: 359.
  8. Huang, Mei; Liao, Zhi; Li, Zhongwu*; Wen, Jiajun; Zhao, Li; Jin, Changsheng; Tian, Dong; Shen, Fei*. Effects of pyrolysis temperature on proton and cadmium binding properties onto biochar-derived dissolved organic matter: Roles of fluorophore and chromophore. Chemosphere, 2022, 299, 134313.
  9. Huang, Mei; Huang, Ke; Zhao, Li; He, Jinsong; Tian, Dong; Lei, Yongjia; Zou, Jianmei; Shen, Fei*. From sweet sorghum to supercapacitor and biogas: A new utilization strategy for an energy crop, Industrial Crops and Products, 2023, 206, 117607.
  10. Huang, Mei; Zhou, Mi; Li, Zhongwu*; Ding, Xiang; Wen, Jiajun; Jin, Changsheng; Wang, Lei; Xiao, Linhui; Chen, Jia. How do drying-wetting cycles influence availability of heavy metals in sediment? A perspective from DOM molecular composition. Water Research, 2022, 220, 118671. (自然指数来源期刊)
  11. Huang, Mei; Yang, Qi; Zou, Jianmei; Zhao, Li*; He, Jinsong; Tian, Dong; Lei, Yongjia; Shen, Fei*. How does adsorptive fractionation of dissolved black carbon on ferrihydrite affect its copper binding behaviors? A molecular-scale investigation. Water Research, 2024, 251, 121128. (自然指数来源期刊)

