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栗园园 博士    

栗园园,女,河南周口人,本科就读于河南工业大学,在南京邮电大学硕博连读。主要从事新型有机高分子半导体材料的开发,并应用于癌症光学成像与治疗。现已在Adv.Sci.,ACS Nano,Nat Commun.,Adv.Funct.Mater.,Adv.Mater.,Chem Commun.,等SCI期刊发表学术论文,其中包括第一/共一作者学术论文3篇。


南京邮电大学(硕博连读)   有机电子学,导师范曲立教授(万人领军)2015.09 - 2023.07

河南工业大学(学士学位)  高分子材料与工程           2011.09 - 2015.07  


1. Li Y, Tang Y*, Hu W, Wang Z, Li X, Lu X, Chen S, Huang W, Fan Q*. Incorporation of Robust NIR-II Fluorescence Brightness and Photothermal Performance in a Single Large π-Conjugated Molecule for Phototheranostics[J]. Advanced Science, 2023, 10(3): 2204695.

2. Tang Y, Li Y(共一), Wang Z, Huang W, Fan Q, Liu B*. In Situ Noninvasive Observation of Nitric Oxide Fluctuation in SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vivo by Organic Near-Infrared-II Fluorescent Molecular Nanoprobes[J]. ACS Nano2023, 17 (18), 18299-18307.

3. Tang Y, Li Y(共一), Wang Z, Pei F, Hu X, Ji Y, Li X, Zhao H, Hu W, Lu X, Fan Q*, Huang W. Organic semiconducting nanoprobe with redox-activatable NIR-II fluorescence for in vivo real-time monitoring of drug toxicity[J]. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(1): 27-30.

4.Tang Y, Li Y, Li B, Song W, Qi G, Tian J, Huang W, Fan Q, Liu B. Oxygen-independent organic photosensitizer with ultralow-power NIR photoexcitation for tumor-specific photodynamic therapy[J]. Nature Communications, 2024, 15(1): 2530.

5. Tang Y, Li Y, Hu X, Zhao H, Ji Y, Chen L, Hu W, Zhang W, Li X, Lu X, Huang W, Fan Q*. “Dual Lock-and-Key”-Controlled Nanoprobes for Ultrahigh Specific Fluorescence Imaging in the Second Near-Infrared Window[J]. Advanced Materials, 2018, 30(31): 1801140.

6.Tang Y, Li Y, Lu X, Hu X, Zhao H, Hu W, Lu F, Fan Q*, Huang W. Bio-Erasable Intermolecular Donor-Acceptor Interaction of Organic Semiconducting Nanoprobes for Activatable NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29(10): 1807376.




