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李萌 2022级研究生     进组时间: 2019年4月



1. Li, M.; He, X.; Wang, B.; Zhao, D.B.; Rong, C.Y.*; Chattaraj, P. K.; Liu, S. B.*, Changes in Structure and Reactivity of Ng2 Encapsulated in Fullerenes: A Density Functional Theory Study. Front. Chem. 2020, 8, 566.

2. Li, M.; He, X.; Chen, J.; Wang, B.; Liu, S. B.*; Rong, C.Y.*, Density Functional Theory and Information-Theoretic Approach Study on the Origin of Homochirality in Helical Structures. J. Phys. Chem. A 2021, 125, 1269-1278.

3. He, X.‡; Li, M.‡; Yu, D. H.*; Wang, B.; Zhao, D. B.; Rong, C. Y.*; Liu, S. B.*, Conformational changes for porphyrinoid derivatives: an information-theoretic approach study. Theor. Chem. Acc. 2021, 140, 123.

4. Li, M.; Wan, X. J.; He, X.; Rong, C. Y.; Zhao, D.B.; Liu, S. B., Impacts of External Electric Fields on Aromaticity and Acidity for Benzoic Acid and Derivatives: Directionality, Additivity, and More: Electron Density: Concepts, Computation and DFT Applications, Chapter 10, Page 199-216, 2024. (Book)

5. Li, M.; Wan, X. J.; Rong, C. Y.*; Zhao, D. B.*; Liu, S. B.*, Directionality and additivity effects of molecular acidity and aromaticity for substituted benzoic acids under external electric fields. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2023, 25, 27805-27816.

6. Li, M.; Wan, X. J.; He, X.; Rong, C. Y.*; Liu, S. B.*, Impacts of external fields on aromaticity and acidity of benzoic acid: a density functional theory, conceptual density functional theory and information-theoretic approach study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2023, 25, 2595-2605.


1. 2020年湖南师范大学学科竞赛优秀奖一等奖;

2. 曾获湖南省大学生化学化工学科竞赛一等奖;

3. 全国大学生创新实验项目省级项目优秀结题(项目负责人)
