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刘美玲 2019级博士生     进组时间: 2019    离组时间: 2023



  1. M.L. Liu, Y. Zhang, Z.B. Yuan, L.S. Lu, X.Z. Liu, X.N. Zhu, L.L. Wang, C.M. Liu, Y.J. Rao*, Cercosporin-bioinspired photoinactivation of harmful cyanobacteria under natural sunlight via bifunctional mechanisms, Water Research, Accepted

  2. Z.B. Yuan, L.S Lu, M.L. Liu, X.Z. Liu, C.M. Liu, D.J. Yin, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Natural product cercosporin as a biomimic photocatalyst for the green synthesis of peptides containing kynurenine via energy transfer mechanism, Green Chem, Accepted.

  3. Z.B. Yuan#, M.L. Liu#, Z.P. Su, H.B. Xu, C.M. Liu, L.S. Lu, L.L. Wang, X.N. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Designing a cercosporin-bioinspired bifunctional algicide with flocculation and photocatalysis for efficiently controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms, J Hazard Mater, 2023, 459, 132110

  4. Y. Zhang, L.J. Wang, L.S. Lu, M.L. Liu, Z.B. Yuan, L.F. Yang, C.M. Liu, S.P. Huang, Y.J. Rao*, Highly efficient decontamination of tetracycline and pathogen by a natural product-derived Emodin/HAp photocatalyst, Chemosphere, 2022.