M.L. Liu, Y. Zhang, Z.B. Yuan, L.S. Lu, X.Z. Liu, X.N. Zhu, L.L. Wang, C.M. Liu, Y.J. Rao*, Cercosporin-bioinspired photoinactivation of harmful cyanobacteria under natural sunlight via bifunctional mechanisms, Water Research, Accepted
Z.B. Yuan, L.S Lu, M.L. Liu, X.Z. Liu, C.M. Liu, D.J. Yin, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Natural product cercosporin as a biomimic photocatalyst for the green synthesis of peptides containing kynurenine via energy transfer mechanism, Green Chem, Accepted.
Z.B. Yuan#, M.L. Liu#, Z.P. Su, H.B. Xu, C.M. Liu, L.S. Lu, L.L. Wang, X.N. Zhu, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Designing a cercosporin-bioinspired bifunctional algicide with flocculation and photocatalysis for efficiently controlling harmful cyanobacterial blooms, J Hazard Mater, 2023, 459, 132110
Y. Zhang, L.J. Wang, L.S. Lu, M.L. Liu, Z.B. Yuan, L.F. Yang, C.M. Liu, S.P. Huang, Y.J. Rao*, Highly efficient decontamination of tetracycline and pathogen by a natural product-derived Emodin/HAp photocatalyst, Chemosphere, 2022.