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刘旋忠 2019级硕士生     进组时间: 2019    离组时间: 2022



  1. X.Z. Liu#, Z.B. Yuan#, H. Su#, X.D. Hou#, Z.W. Deng, H.B. Xu, B.D. Guo, D.J. Yin, X. Sheng, Y.J. Rao*, Molecular Basis of the Unusual Seven-membered Methylenedioxy Bridge Formation Catalyzed by Fe(II)/α-KG-dependent Oxygenase CTB9, Acs Catal, Accepted.

  2. Z.B. Yuan, L.S Lu, M.L Liu, X.Z. Liu, C.M. Liu, D.J. Yin, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Natural product cercosporin as a biomimic photocatalyst for the green synthesis of peptides containing kynurenine via energy transfer mechanism, Green Chem, Accepted.

  3. M.L. Liu, Y. Zhang, Z.B. Yuan, L.S. Lu, X.Z. Liu, X.N. Zhu, L.L. Wang, C.M. Liu, Y.J. Rao*, Cercosporin-bioinspired photoinactivation of harmful cyanobacteria under natural sunlight via bifunctional mechanisms, Water Research, Accepted.

  4. Y. Zhang, M.Z. Xia, M. Li, Q. Ping, Z.B. Yuan, X.Z. Liu, H.M. Yin, S.P. Huang, Y.J. Rao*, Energy-Transfer-Mediated Photocatalysis by a Bioinspired Organic Perylenephotosensitizer HiBRCP, J Org Chem, 86 (2021) 15284-15297.

  5. M. Li, J. Li, B.D. Guo, X.Z. Liu, Z.B. Yuan, Y.W. Wu, H.M. Yin, S.P. Huang, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Discovery and characterization of a novel perylenephotoreductant for the activation of aryl halides, J Catal, 399 (2021) 111-120.

  6. Z.B. Yuan, X.Z. Liu, C.M. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y.J. Rao*, Recent Advances in Rapid Synthesis of Non-proteinogenic Amino Acids from Proteinogenic Amino Acids Derivatives via Direct Photo-Mediated C-H Functionalization, Molecules, 25 (2020).