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李杰-硕士 硕士研究生     进组时间: 2010    离组时间: 2013

李杰: 2010级硕士,成都有机所博士现为四川师范大学副教授。发表的代表性学术论文:

[1] Fen Ran*, Jie Li, Yi Lu, Lingren Wang, Shengqiang Nie, Haiming Song, Lei Zhao, Shudong Sun, Changsheng Zhao*. A simple method to prepare modified polyethersulfone membrane with improved hydrophilic surface by one-pot: The effect of hydrophobic segment length and molecular weight of copolymers. Materials Science & Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications 2014. 37: 68-75.

[2] Fen Ran*, Shengqiang Nie, Zehua Yin, Jie Li, Baihai Su, Shudong Sun, Changsheng Zhao. Synthesized negatively charged macromolecules (NCMs) for the surface modification of anticoagulant membrane biomaterials. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2013. 55: 269-285.

[3] Fen Ran, Shengqiang Nie, Jie Li, Baihai Su, Shudong Sun, Changsheng Zhao*. Heparin-like macromolecules for the modification of anticoagulant biomaterials. Macromolecular Bioscience 2012. 12(1): 116-125.

[4] Fen Ran, Shengqiang Nie, Weifeng Zhao, Jie Li, Baihai Su, Shudong Sun, Changsheng Zhao*. Biocompatibility of modified polyethersulfone membranes by blending anamphiphilic triblock co-polymer of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)-b-poly(methylmethacrylate)-b-poly(vinyl pyrrolidone). Acta Biomaterialia 2011. 7(9): 3370-3381.

[5] 冉奋*李杰,宋海明,赵鹏飞,聂胜强,康龙,RAFT聚合制备羧基封端PVP及聚合条件对产物结构的影响. 兰州理工大学学报 2013, 39(5): 23-27.