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覃文武 教授    

覃文武,教授,博士生导师,1972年生,19947月毕业于华中师范大学化学系,获学士学位,2000年、 2003年,在兰州大学化学化工学院分别获得硕士和博士学位。200311月赴比利时鲁汶大学化学系进行博士后研究工作,从事新型生命金属离子荧光探针的开发及光物理和光化学性质的研究。20072月到荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学范德霍夫研究所从事用纳秒和分秒激光光谱研究有机催化反应机理方面的工作。 20084月受聘为兰州大学教授,在兰州大学化学化工学院工作,从事稀土发光配合物、分子荧光探针和时间分辨荧光的研究。

Anal. Chem.,Chem comm, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (内封底),ACS Sensor, J. Mater. Chem. C, Biosensors and Bioelectronics,Journal of Hazardous Materials,  Chemistry--An Asian Journal (封面),Chemistry—AEuropen JournalDalton Trans (封底),ChemCatChem(内封面),,J . Phys.Chem.C J. Phys.Chem. AChemPhysChem,等杂志发表了SCI收录论文110余篇。入选2009年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。主持国家自然基金面上项目,甘肃省自然科学基金和科技部政府间科技合作项目等项目。目前承担国家自然科学基金面上项目亚细胞内生物硫醇的高选择性荧光检测和成像的碳基纳米胶束比率荧光探针的设计及性能研究的研究工作。

代表性论文(Representative Publications)

[1]       YaliGuo, Lilan Zhang, Xiaoyu Liu, Bo Li, Dong Tang,Weisheng Liu and Wenwu Qin*.Synthesis of magnetic core–shell carbondot@MFe2O4 (M = Mn, Zn and Cu) hybrid materials and their catalytic properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry A.2016, 4, 4044–4055.(inside back cover)

[2]       Deyan Gong, Xiangtao Zhu,YuejunTian, Shi-Chong Han,Min Deng, AnamIqbal, Weisheng Liu, Wenwu Qin*, HuichenGuo*.  A Phenylselenium-Substituted BODIPY Fluorescent Turn-off Probe for  Fluorescence Imaging of Hydrogen Sulfide in Living Cells. Analytical  Chemistry. 2017, 89, 1801–1807.

[3]       Gong, Deyan;  Han, Shi-Chong;  Iqbal, Anam; Qian, Jing ; Cao, Ting; Liu, Wei; Liu, Wei-Sheng; Qin, Wenwu Qin*, HuichenGuo*. Fast and Selective Two-Stage Ratiometric Fluorescent Probes for Imaging of Glutathione in Living Cells. Analytical Chemistry. 2017,89,13112-13119.

[4]       Xinran Li,Hong Ma, Min Deng,AnamIqbal, Xiaoyu Liu,  Bo Li,Weisheng Liu, Jiping Li, Wenwu Qin*  . Europium functionalized ratiometric fluorescent transducer silicon  nanoparticles based on FRET for the highly sensitive detection of  tetracycline. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2017, 5, 2149–2152.

[5]       Bo Li, Xudong Wang, YaliGuo, AnamIqbal,Yaping Dong, Wu Li, Weisheng Liu, Wenwu Qin*, Shizhen  Chen, Xin Zhou and Yunhuang Yang*. One-pot synthesis of polyamines with  improvedmagnetism and fluorescence Fe3O4–carbon dots hybrid NPs for  dual modal imaging.Dalton Transactions. 2016, 45, 5484–5491. (back cover)

[6]       YaliGuo, Xiaoyu Liu, Chengduan Yang, Xudong Wang, Dan Wang, AnamIqbal,Weisheng Liu, and Wenwu Qin*.Synthesis and Peroxidase-Like Activity of Cobalt@Carbon-Dots Hybrid Material.ChemCatChem. 2015, 7, 2467 – 2474.(inside cover)

[7]       Xudong Wang, Dan Wang, YaliGuo, Chengduan Yang, Xiaoyu Liu, AnamIqbal,Weisheng Liu, Wenwu Qin*. Fluorescent glutathione probe based on MnO2-phenol formaldehyde resin nanocomposite. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2016, 77, 299305.

[8]       Deyan Gong,YuejunTian, Chengduan Yang, AnamIqbal, Zhiping Wang, Weisheng Liu,Wenwu Qin*,  Xiangtao Zhu, HuichenGuo. A fluorescence enhancement probe based on  BODIPY for the discrimination of cysteine from homocysteine and  glutathione. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2016, 85, 178183.