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PatonDouglas 教授,TectonKnow负责人     进组时间: 2014

Douglas leads the TectonKnow team and provides over 20 years of experience of applied structural geology and tectonics.

His PhD was on the role of basement structures on continental breakup and fault evolution in Southern Gondwana at the University of Edinburgh followed by a PDRA sediment-structure interaction concepts to reservoir distribution offshore Norway.

He then moved to GFZ Potsdam where he worked with Brian Horsfield and Rolando di Primio on  Petroleum system modelling in the Orange Basin,  After the GFZ he worked with Chevron’s Deepwater Clastics team at CORE, Colorado School of Mines modelling and understanding structural controls on deep water clastics. At the University of Leeds he was Chair in Structural Geology and Basin Analysis and led a multi-million $ industry research group.

As of 2020 established TectonKnow to provide research led insights with a specific focus on industry exploration projects.

The TectonKnow team works closely on a number of project with Dr Paul Markwick and Knowing Earth.