北京大学 工程结构分析 学士
北京理工大学 固体力学 硕士
德国达姆施塔特工业大学 材料科学 博士
2020.09-2024.04 德国马克斯普朗克钢铁研究所 博士后/项目组长
2024.05-至今 大湾区大学(筹) 助理教授/研究员
先后在德国达姆施塔特工业大学材料系和德国马克斯普朗克钢铁研究所从事多物理场耦合力学建模和计算研究,并担任项目组长(独立PI)。获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,并入选广东省省级青年人才项目。长期专注于解决锂离子电池电极材料的力学失效、力-化学耦合、相变和非线性本构等问题。运用连续介质力学、有限元分析和多场耦合理论等方法,开发了一系列针对力-化学耦合的热力学分析框架与模型,并成功应用于锂电池等能源材料的分析与优化。目前已发表SCI论文19篇,包括一作论文8篇和通讯论文1篇,h-index 16。自主开发了一套多物理场耦合有限元计算软件AsFem(https://github.com/MatMechLab/AsFem)。
近年来在Nature Materials、Physical Review Letters、Acta Materialia、Advanced Functional Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、Journal of Power Sources、International Journal of Solids and Structures等国际高水平期刊上发表多篇论文。
国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2025-2027,在研,主持
1. Yang Bai, Ying Zhao, Wei Liu, and Bai-Xiang Xu, "Two-level modeling of lithium-ion batteries", Journal of Power Sources 422: 92-103, 2019.
2. Yang Bai, Kejie Zhao, Yao Liu, Peter Stein, and Bai-Xiang Xu, "A chemo-mechanical grain boundary model and its application to understand the damage of Li-ion battery materials", Scripta Materialia 183: 45-49, 2020.
3. Yang Bai*, Jaber Rezaei Mianroodi, Yan Ma, Alisson Kwiatkowski da Silva, Bob Svendsen, and Dierk Raabe, "Chemo-mechanical phase-field modeling of iron oxide reduction with hydrogen", Acta Materialia 231: 117899, 2022.
4. Yang Bai*, David A. Santos, Shahed Rezaei, Peter Stein, Sarbajit Banerjee, and Bai-Xiang Xu, "A chemo-mechanical damage model at large deformation: numerical and experimental studies on polycrystalline energy materials.", International Journal of Solids and Structures 228: 111099, 2021.
5. Zhou Xuyang, Yang Bai*, Ayman A. El-Zoka, Se-Ho Kim, Gerhard Dehm, and Dierk Raabe, "Effect of pore formation on redox-driven phase transformation", Physical Review Letters 130, no. 16: 168001, 2023.
6. Gao Zhonghui1, Yang Bai1, Junrun Feng, Wolfram Jaegermann, and Yunhui Huang, "Interphase formed at Li6.4La3Zr1.4Ta0.6O12/Li interface enables cycle stability for solid-state batteries", Advanced Functional Materials 32, no. 20: 2112113, 2022.
7. Gao Zhonghui1, Yang Bai1, Junrun Feng1, Jiayi Yang, Porun Liu, Haiyang Yuan, Xuze Guan, Feng Ryan Wang, and Yunhui Huang. "Controlling Sodium Dendrite Growth via Grain Boundaries in Na3Zr2Si2PO12 Electrolyte", Advanced Energy Materials: 2304488, 2024.
8. Santos David A.1, Justin L. Andrews1, Yang Bai1, Peter Stein, Matt Pharr, Bai-Xiang Xu, and Sarbajit Banerjee. "Bending good beats breaking bad: phase separation patterns in individual cathode particles upon lithiation and delithiation", Materials Horizons 7, no. 12: 3275-3290, 2020.
9. Luo Yuting, Yang Bai, Aashutosh Mistry, Joseph V. Handy et al., "Effect of crystallite geometries on electrochemical performance of porous intercalation electrodes by multiscale operando investigation", Nature Materials 21, no. 2: 217-227, 2022.
10. Huo Hanyu, Ming Jiang, Yang Bai, Shamail Ahmed, Kerstin Volz, Hannah Hartmann, Anja Henss, Chandra Veer Singh, Dierk Raabe, and Jürgen Janek. "Chemo-mechanical failure mechanisms of the silicon anode in solid-state batteries", Nature Materials 23:543–551, 2024.
11. Zhao Ying, Peter Stein, Yang Bai, Mamun Al-Siraj, Yangyiwei Yang, and Bai-Xiang Xu. "A review on modeling of electro-chemo-mechanics in lithium-ion batteries", Journal of Power Sources 413: 259-283, 2019.