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陈然 副教授 硕导    



中国计量大学计量测试与工程学院副教授。本科就读于哈尔滨工程大学机械与自动化相关专业。博士研究生就读于浙江大学机械电子工程专业,师从傅新教授与阮晓东教授,从事基于纳米纤维的气体传感器及触觉传感器研究。博士毕业后以博士后身份加入浙江大学陈东课题组,研究具有高透明度、抗冲击特性的仿生纤维复合材料。后出国赴哈佛大学,师从于David A. Weitz院士,从事电致微流控相关研究。于20197月回国加入中国计量大学,以前期多样性的研究经历为基础,立足机、材、生、力交叉领域,开展智能微纳结构的创作应用及液滴微流控相关研究。2023年获得中国化工学会科学技术奖-基础研究成果奖一等奖。中国机械工程学会流体传动与控制分会特种流控专业委员会委员。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,省自然科学基金项目1项,参与省重大科技专项1项,第一/通讯作者发表学术论文10余篇,授权发明专利8件。



[1] 微流控传质强化与颗粒形貌调控机制. 中国化工学会科学技术奖“基础研究成果一等奖”,2023.

[2] Junhao Wang#, Xiangchu Cao#, Ran Chen*, Jiangwei Zhou, Hanqian Zhang, Xiaoting Ma, Fubing Bao*. Encapsulation of Monodisperse Microdroplets in Nanofibers through a Microfluidic–Electrospinning Hybrid Method. Langmuir, 2023, 39 (2), 813-819. 已发表,SCI收录,2区,影响因子4.331

[3] Junhao Wang, Ran Chen*, Chen Zhao, Fubing Bao*. Tuning the thermoregulatory and tensile performance of electrospun hydrophobic microfibers through a low-cost water doping method. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2024, 681: 132765. 已发表,SCI收录,2区,影响因子5.2

[4] Ran Chen, Junfeng Liu, Xingzheng Wang, Linlin Kong, Leyun Feng, Jingkai Han, Hao Bai, Fubing Bao*, Electrospun fibrous membrane with controlled hierarchical structure and wettability for effective emulsion separation, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 260, 118246. 已发表,SCI收录,1区,影响因子5.774。

[5] Ran Chen, Junfeng Liu, Chenjing Yang, David A. Weitz, Haonan He, Dewen Li, Dong Chen,* Kai Liu,* Hao Bai*, Transparent Impact-Resistant Composite Films with Bioinspired Hierarchical Structure, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11 (26), 23616-23622. 已发表,SCI收录,1区,影响因子8.097。

[6] Linlin Kong#, Ran Chen#, (共同一作) Xingzheng Wang, Yudi Zhang, Chun-Xia Zhao, Qiushui Chen, Mingtan Hai, Dong Chen*, Zhenzhong Yang* and David A Weitz*, Controlled Co-Precipitation of Biocompatible Colorant-Loaded Nanoparticles by Microfluidics for Natural Color Drinks, Lab on a Chip, 2019,19, 2089-2095. 已发表,SCI收录,1区,影响因子 5.995.

[7] Weiting Liu, Ran Chen*, Xiaodong Ruan and Xin Fu, Polymeric piezoelectric fiber with metal core produced by electrowetting-aided dry spinning method, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133, 43968. 已发表,SCI收录,3区,影响因子1.901。

[8] Ran Chen, Xiaodong Ruan, Weiting Liu*, Cesare Stefanin., A reliable and fast hydrogen gas leakage detector based on irreversible cracking of decorated palladium nanolayer upon aligned polymer fibers, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40, pp. 746-751. 已发表,SCI收录,2区TOP,影响因子4.229。

[9] Ran Chen, Zeyong Sun and Dong Chen*,Microfluidics for Pharmaceutical Applications: Chapter 11. Droplet-based microfluidics for cell encapsulation and delivery, Elseiver, 2018, ISBN: 9780128126592. 书本章节,已发表。