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高晓燕 副教授 硕导    









发表论文20余篇(SCI收录16篇),包括在Energy Conversion and ManagementBioresource Technology等国际期刊上发表论文多篇。



1. Gao X., Zhang Y., Li B., Yu X. Model development for biomass gasification in an entrained flow gasifier using intrinsic reaction rate submodel [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 108: 120-131.

2. Gao X., Zhang Y., Li B., Zhao Y., Jiang B. Determination of the intrinsic reactivities for carbon dioxide gasification of rice husk chars through using random pore model [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 218: 1073-81.

3. Gao X., Zhang Y., Bao F., Li B., Zhao Y., et al. CFD modeling of sawdust gasification in a lab-scale entrained flow reactor based on char intrinsic kinetics. Part 1: Model development [J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2018, 125: 280-289.

4. Gao X., Xu F., Bao F., Tu C., Zhang Y., et al. Simulation and optimization of rice husk gasification using intrinsic reaction rate based CFD model [J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 139: 611-620.

5. Gao X., Zhang Y., Xu F., Yin Z., Wang Y., et al. Experimental and kinetic studies on the intrinsic reactivities of rice husk char [J]. Renewable Energy, 2019, 135: 608-616.