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邓佳 博士生    



[1] Jia Deng, Enlai Gao, Feng Wu, Zhixiong You, Xiaozhong Li, Li-Zhi Huang*, Shuxian Gao. Generation of atomic hydrogen by Ni-Fe hydroxides: Mechanism and activity for hydrodechlorination of trichloroethylene. Water Research. 207 (2021) 117802.IF = 13.400

[2] Jia Deng, Feng Wu, Shuxian Gao, Dionysios D. Dionysiou, Li-Zhi Huang*. Self-activated Ni(OH)2 cathode for complete electrochemical reduction of trichloroethylene to ethane in low-conductivity groundwater. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 309 (2022) 121258.IF = 24.319

[3] Jia Deng, Xiang Zhan, Feng Wu, Shuxian Gao, Li-Zhi Huang*. Fast dechlorination of trichloroethylene by a bimetallic Fe(OH)2/Ni composite. Separation and Purification Technology. 278 (2021) 119597.IF = 9.136

[4] Li-Zhi Huang, Yi Wang, Jia Deng*, Jianping Yuan, Yitao Dai, Weizhao Yin*. Generation of adsorbed atomic hydrogen by Pd(II) doped Fe(OH)2 enables ultra-fast reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 322 (2023) 122094.IF = 24.319

[5] Jia Deng, Xin-Ming Hu, Enlai Gao, Feng Wu, Weizhao Yin, Li-Zhi Huang*, Dionysios D. Dionysiou. Electrochemical reductive remediation of trichloroethylene contaminated groundwater using biomimetic iron-nitrogen-doped carbon. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 419 (2021) 126458.IF = 14.224

[6] Jia Deng, Liwen Xiao, Shoujun Yuan, Wei Wang, Xinmin Zhan, Zhen-Hu Hu*. Activation of peroxymonosulfate by CoFeNi layered double hydroxide/graphene oxide (LDH/GO) for the degradation of gatifloxacin. Separation and Purification Technology. 225 (2021) 117685.IF = 9.136

[7] Jia Deng, Xiaobao Zeng, Feng Wu, Zheng Fang*, Yitao Dai, Li-Zhi Huang. Coordinatively unsaturated reduced iron sites enable hemin-catalyzed electrochemical dechlorination of trichloroethylene. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 148 (2022) 04022036.IF = 2.479

[8] Jia Deng, Zheng Fang*, Yitao Dai, Li-Zhi Huang. Electrochemical dechlorination of trichloroethylene by manganese phthalocyanine: Performance and mechanisms. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment. 2022, 40(4), 437-454.EI期刊)

[9] Qian-qian Jia, Jia Deng, Xuejie Zhang, Yitao Dai, Feng Wu, Lizhi Huang*. Hydroxyl groups bridge the electron transfer from Fe(II) to carbon tetrachloride. Water Research. 221 (2022) 118791.IF = 13.400

[10] Xuejie Zhang, Jia Deng, Qianqian Jia, Bingbing Ji, Yitao Dai, Li-Zhi Huang*. Mineralization of tribromophenol under anoxic/oxic conditions in the presence of copper(II) doped green rust: Importance of sequential reduction-oxidation process. Water Research. 222 (2022) 118959.IF = 13.400

[11] Xuejie Zhang, Qian-qian Jia, Jia Deng, Feng Wu, Li-Zhi Huang*. Interaction between green rust and tribromophenol under anoxic, oxic and anoxic-to-oxic conditions: Adsorption, desorption and oxidative degradation. Water Research. 217 (2022) 118398.IF = 13.400

[12] Liping Fang, Ling Xu, Jia Deng, Shuxian Gao, Li-Zhi Huang*. Induced generation of hydroxyl radicals from green rust under oxic conditions by iron-phosphate complexes. Chemical Engineering Journal. 414 (2021) 128780.IF = 16.744


       一种利用金属离子掺杂Fe(OH)2去除水中卤代有机污染物的方法. CN112320918A, ZL202011119488


  1. 2020年研究生三等奖学金
  2. 2021年研究生二等奖学金
  3. 2022年武汉大学学术创新奖 特等奖(工学部唯一,奖金8万
  4. 2022年武汉大学研究生十大学术之星
  5. 第十四届湖北省给水排水工程与环境工程研究生学术论坛 一等奖
  6. 第五届“深水杯”全国大学生给排水科技创新大赛 定向团体特等奖(项目指导)
  7. 2019年武汉大学研究生篮球赛冠军 最佳运动员