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杜姗姗 进组时间: 2017.9    离组时间: 2022.6



[1] Direct Discrimination of Edible Oil Type, Oxidation, and Adulteration by Liquid Interfacial Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy [J]. ACS Sensors. 2019, 4, 1798-1805.  

[2] Pinpointing Alkane Chain Length, Saturation, Double Bond Regio- and Stereo- Isomers by Liquid Interfacial Plasmonic Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. [J]. Analytical. Chemistry. 2022, 6, 2891-2900. 

[3] Tracking Structural Changes of Protein Residues by Two-dimensional Correlation Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy [J]. Food Chemistry. 2022, 29, 132237.