当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  祝贺吴复财同学的论文Bioinspired magnetically generated bilayer aerogel with vertically aligned pores: Efficient solar evaporation and water purification for crop production发表在Industrial Crops and Products期刊上。
祝贺吴复财同学的论文Bioinspired magnetically generated bilayer aerogel with vertically aligned pores: Efficient solar evaporation and water purification for crop production发表在Industrial Crops and Products期刊上。

祝贺吴复财同学的论文Bioinspired magnetically generated bilayer aerogel with vertically aligned pores: Efficient solar evaporation and water purification for crop production发表在Industrial Crops and Products期刊上。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.118590