Email:202163003@ecut.edu.cn / yyzmdong@163.com
董志敏,女,1991年生。申请人主要从事放射性核素吸附分离与污染治理等领域的科研工作,并将光催化技术应用在铀矿资源综合回收和铀矿山周边放射性污染治理方面,相关工作在Appl. Catal. B Environ.、Small、Chem. Eng. J.等高水平期刊发表SCI收录学术论文30余篇,申请专利5项。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、江西省自然科学基金青年基金、江西省教育厅项目各一项,主要参与国家自然科学基金地区项目与面上项目,国防科工局、省级重点项目等7项。
2010/09-2014/06 东华理工大学 / 工学学士学位 / 张志宾教授
2014/09-2017/06 东华理工大学 / 理学硕士学位 / 刘云海教授
2018/09-2021/06 东华理工大学 / 工学博士学位 / 刘云海教授
2017/07-2018/06 东华理工大学长江学院 专职教师
2021/09-2023/12 东华理工大学和中国地质科学院地质研究所联合培养 博士后
2023/12-至今 东华理工大学 讲师
1. 单原子金属硫化物、共价有机金属骨架COFs设计组装及性能研究;
2. 放射性核素吸附分离与污染治理;
3. 光催化。
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,22206024,CdS基光催化剂的电荷定向分离调控及光催化还原U(VI)机理研究,2023/01-2025/12,30万,主持,在研。
2. 江西省自然科学基金青年基金,20232BAB213034,CdS基复合纳米线的可控制备及其压电光催化海水提铀的“构-效”关系研究,2023/07-2026/06,10万,主持,在研。
3. 江西省教育厅科学技术项目,GJJ171515,三元固相超分子吸附材料的设计、制备及吸附性能研究, 2万,主持,结题。
2. Zhimin Dong, Shuxian Hu, Zifan Li, Jinhao Xu, Donglin Gao, Fengtao Yu, Xiaoyan Li, Xiaohong Cao, Youqun Wang, Zhibin Zhang, Yunhai Liua, and Xiangke Wang, Biomimetic Photocatalytic System Designed by Spatially Separated Cocatalysts on Z-scheme Heterojunction with Identified Charge-transfer Processes for Boosting Removal of U(VI) [J]. Small 2023, 20, 2300003.
3. Zhimin Dong, Cheng Meng, Zifan Li, Dongling Zeng, Yingcai Wang, Zhongping Cheng, Xiaohong Cao, Qiang Ren, Youqun Wang, Xiaoyan Li, Zhibin Zhang, and Yunhai Liu, Novel Co3O4@TiO2@CdS@Au Double-shelled Nanocage for High-efficient Photocatalysis Removal of U(VI): Roles of Spatial Charges Separation and Photothermal Effect[J]. J. Hazard. Mater., 2023, 452.131248.
4. Zhimin Dong, Zhibin Zhang, Zifan Li, Yingcai Wang, Fengtao Yu, Zhongping Cheng,Ying Dai, Xiaohong Cao, Youqun Wang, Yunhai Liu, Xiaolin Fan, Double-shelled hollow nanosphere assembled by TiO2@surface sulfate functionalized CdS for boosting photocatalysis reduction of U(VI) under seawater conditions[J]. Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 431, 133256.
5. Zhimin Dong, Zhibin Zhang, Runze Zhou, Yayu Dong, Ying Dai, Xiaohong Cao, Youqun Wang, Yunhai Liu. Construction of oxidized millimeter-sized hierarchically porous carbon spheres for U(VI) adsorption[J]. Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 386:123944.
6. Zhimin Dong, Zifan Li, Dongling Zeng, Zhongping Cheng, Yingcai Wang, Ying Dai, Xiaohong Cao, Youqun Wang, Zhibin Zhang, Yunhai Liu, Highly selective adsorption of radioactive cesium by novel calix[4]biscrown-6 functionalized millimetre-sized hierarchically porous carbon spheres[J]. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2023, 304 122255.
7. Zhimin Dong, Zhibin Zhang, Ting Wang, Dongling Zeng, Zhongping Cheng, Yingcai Wang, Xiaohong Cao, Youqun Wang, Yunhai Liu, Xiaolin Fan, Ingenious design of ternary hollow nanosphere with shell hierarchical tandem heterojunctions toward optimized Visible-light photocatalytic reduction of U(VI) [J]. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2022, 286, 120418.
8. Zhimin Dong, Zhibin Zhang, Zifan Li, Yue Feng, Wenjie Dong, Ting Wang, Zhongping Cheng, Youqun Wang, Ying Dai, Xiaohong Cao, Yuhui Liu and Yunhai Liu, 3D structure aerogels constructed by reduced graphene oxide and hollow TiO2 spheres for efficient visible-light-driven photoreduction of U(VI) in air-equilibrated wastewater[J]. Environ. Sci.: Nano. 2021, 8, 2372–2385.
9. Yayu Dong*, Zhimin Dong*, Zhibin Zhang, Yunhai Liu, Weiwei Cheng, Hao Miao, Xingxiang He, Yan Xu. A POM Constructed from Super-Sodalite Cage with Extra-large 24-Membered Channels: as Effective Sorbent for Uranium Adsorption[J]. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2017, 9(27): 22088−22092.