Email:zhbzhang@ecut.edu.cn / zhang_ecut@163.com
张志宾,男,1981年生。江西省“青年井冈学者”,江西省“杰出青年人才资助计划”入选者,“西部之光”访问学者。一直从事放射性核素分离富集与污染治理、光催化材料设计合成与应用等研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目5项,国防基础科研计划项目1项,江西省自然科学基金项目4项等。迄今以第一作者或通讯作者在Appl Catal B-Environ、Small、J Hazard Mater、Inorg Chem、Chem Eng J、Chin Chem Lett等期刊发表SCI收录学术论文80余篇,其中ESI高被引论文5篇、热点论文2篇;出版专著1部,授权发明专利十余件(转化2件)。相关研究成果获江西省自然科学一等奖和中国核能行业协会科学技术三等奖等。
1. 中国辐射防护学会环境放射化学分会理事;
2. 中国核学会核化工分会理事;
3. 核退役治理技术创新中心(国家级)理事
4. 《Tungsten》和《Chinese Chemical Letters》青年编委。
1. 光催化材料设计合成与应用;
2. 共价有机框架(COF)的设计组装及性能研究;
3. 放射性核素分离富集与污染治理。
1. 国家自然科学基金,21201033,功能化有序介孔碳吸附铀的性能及作用机理研究,2013-2015
2. 国家自然科学基金,21561002,有序介孔碳的互穿功能化及吸附铀的性能研究, 2016-2019
3. 国家自然科学基金,21866004,碳基超分子杂化材料吸附铯的性能与作用机理研究, 2019-2022
4. 国家自然科学基金,22066003,富含缺陷二硫化钼的可控制备、功能化及其吸附分离铀的性能, 2021-2024
5. 国家自然科学基金,22276030,磷烯/二维过渡金属硫化物杂化膜的自组装及其吸附铀的机理研究,2023-2026
6. 国防基础项目“碳基非对称超分子杂化材料高效识别分离铯的性能及作用机理研究”(JCKY2019401C004),2020-20225
1. Zifan Li, Zhibin Zhang*, Xiang Zhu, Cheng Meng*, Zhimin Dong, Songtao Xiao, Yingcai Wang, Youqun Wang, Xiaohong Cao, Yunhai Liu*, Exciton dissociation and transfer behavior and surface reaction mechanism in Donor–Acceptor organic semiconductor photocatalytic separation of uranium. Appl Catal B-Environ, 2023, 332, 122751.
2. Zhimin Dong, Shuxian Hu, Zifan Li, Jinhao Xu, Donglin Gao, Fengtao Yu, Xiaoyan Li, Xiaohong Cao, Youqun Wang, Zhibin Zhang*, Yunhai Liu*, Xiangke Wang, Biomimetic Photocatalytic System Designed by Spatially Separated Cocatalysts on Z‐scheme Heterojunction with Identified Charge‐transfer Processes for Boosting Removal of U (VI). Small, 2023: 2300003.
3. Fengtao Yu, Zhiqiang Zhu, Chuangye Li, Wanru Li, Renping Liang, Shanshan Yu, Zhenzhen Xu, Fangru Song, Qiang Ren, Zhibin Zhang*, A redox-active perylene-anthraquinone donor-acceptor conjugated microporous polymer with an unusual electron delocalization channel for photocatalytic reduction of uranium (VI) in strongly acidic solution. Appl Catal B-Environ, 2022, 314: 121467. (ESI高被引、热点论文)
4. Fengtao Yu, Zhiqiang Zhu, Shiping Wang, Jinyu Wang, Zhenzhen Xu, Fangru Song, Zhimin Dong, Zhibin Zhang*, Novel donor-acceptor-acceptor ternary conjugated microporous polymers with boosting forward charge separation and suppressing backward charge recombination for photocatalytic reduction of uranium (VI). Appl Catal B-Environ, 2022, 301, 120819.
5. Zifan Li, Zhibin Zhang*, Zhimin Dong, Fengtao Yu, Mingyang Ma, Yingcai Wang, Youqun Wang, Yuhui Liu, Jun Liu, Xiaohong Cao, Yunhai Liu*, Solar light-responsive CdS/UiO-66-NH2 for ultrafast uranium reduction from uranium-containing mine wastewater without external sacrificial agents. Sep Purif Technol, 2022, 283, 120195. (ESI高被引论文)
6. Haijun Chen, Zhibin Zhang*, Xiao Zhong, Zhenjiang Zhuo, Shenglong Tian, Shiyu Fu, Yan Chen, Yunhai Liu, Constructing MoS2/Lignin-derived carbon nanocomposites for highly efficient removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous environment. J Hazard Mater, 2021, 408, 124847.
7. Zhimin Dong, Zhibin Zhang*, Runze Zhou, Yayu Dong, Ying Dai, Xiaohong Cao, Youqun Wang, Yunhai Liu, Construction of oxidized millimeter-sized hierarchically porous carbon spheres for U(VI) adsorption. Chem Eng J, 2020, 386, 123944.