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Editors' Highlights 恭喜秦召贤博士发表Nature Communication一枚

恭喜我组秦贤博士生发表题为“Size-dependent strong metal-support interaction in TiO2 supported Au nanocatalysts.”(Nature Communication,202011, 6019. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19789-4. Editors’ Highlights on Inorganic, Nanoscale and Physical Chemistry

Thermal-stimuli responsive nanomaterials hold great promise in designing multifunctional

intelligent devices for a wide range of applications. In this work, a reversible isomeric

transformation in an atomically precise nanocluster is reported. We show that biicosahedral

[Au13Ag12(PPh3)10Cl8]SbF6 nanoclusters composed of two icosahedral Au7Ag6 units by

sharing one common Au vertex can produce two temperature-responsive conformational

isomers with complete reversibility, which forms the basis of a rotary nanomotor driven by

temperature. Differential scanning calorimetry analysis on the reversible isomeric transformation

demonstrates that the Gibbs free energy is the driving force for the transformation.

This work offers a strategy for rational design and development of atomically precise

nanomaterials via ligand tailoring and alloy engineering for a reversible stimuli-response

behavior required for intelligent devices. The two temperature-driven, mutually convertible

isomers of the nanoclusters open up an avenue to employ ultra-small nanoclusters (1 nm) for

the design of thermal sensors and intelligent catalysts.