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于洋 在读博士    

[1] Yu Y#, Xu ZX#, Chen ST, Jin MJ*. Microbial lipid production from dilute acid and dilute alkali pretreated corn stover via Trichosporon dermatis[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 295: 122253.

[2] Yu Y, Yu JM, Wang Z, Yuan XC, Chen XX, Zhai R, Xu ZX, Jin MJ*. Development of DLC and DLCA pretreatments with alkalis on rice straw for high titer microbial lipid production[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 172: 114086.

[3] Yu Y, Sha YY, Yu JM, Zhou LL, Chen XX, Zhai R, Xu ZX, Jin MJ*. DLC(sa) and DLCA(sa) pretreatments boost the efficiency of microbial lipid production from rice straw via Trichosporon dermatis [J]. Fuel, Accepted.

[4] 于洋, 王盛炜, 许召贤, 金明杰*, 杨树林*. 微重力环境中哺乳动物细胞分子生物学效应研究进展[J]. 空间科学学报, 2018(6): 891-899.