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江南大学化工学院光功能材料实验室针对这一问题Sr2YGaO5材料体系中单掺杂发光中心Sm3+,证明了激发波长依赖性、热激发光和X射线UV响应的集成,该材料具有优异的多峰发、多刺激变色响应性。更重要的,其设计基于褐铁矿型基质(Sr2YGaO5发光和掺杂剂(Sm3+发光的有效光学复用,在这种Sm3+掺杂的基质中实现了优异的光学集成,观察到了热激发光过程中的颜色变化特征(紫色到玫瑰色),提供了可视化的简易发光辨识。这种具有颜色可变特征的多刺激响应性(光场、热场和高能X射线)源于基质和Sm3+发光的共存现象,以及能量从陷阱缺陷到双发光中心的有效能量传递途径。这为集成多模式多刺激响应的光学材料开发提供了新的思路。相关结果发表在Advanced Optical Materials上。该项工作的主要贡献者为硕士研究生吕绍星、王潘琴和王腾跃同学,论文的通讯作者为林恒伟教授、杜家仁副教授。


Figure 1. (a) XRD patterns of Sr2Sc1-xYxGaO5:Sm3+ samples (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 ,1); (b) Photographs of Sr2Sc1-xYxGaO5:Sm3+ samples upon daylight or UV light (254, 310 and 365 nm, respectively); (c) Normalized PL spectra of Sr2YGaO5:Sm3+ upon 406 nm and 330 nm excitation, respectively; (d) XPS survey of Sr2YGaO5:Sm3+ phosphor.

Figure 2. Excitation-wavelength and temperature dependent emissions. (a) Photographs of Sr2YGaO5:Sm3+ samples upon 254 nm, 310 nm, or 405 nm excitation at various temperatures; The excitation-wavelength and temperature dependent CIE chromaticity diagrams of Sr2YGaO5:Sm3+ samples upon 254 nm (b), 310 nm (c), and 405 nm excitation (d), respectively.

Figure 3. Thermally stimulated color-changing luminescence from Sr2YGaO5:Sm3+ samples. Photographs of thermally stimulated luminescence after (a) UV pre-irradiation (254 nm, 310 nm, or 365 nm) and (b) X-ray pre-irradiation (50 kV, 80 μA), respectively; (c) Thermally stimulated luminescence spectra after 254 nm pre-irradiation; (d) A proposed schematic diagram of luminescence mechanism of Sr2YGaO5:Sm3+ phosphors.

Figure 4. Color-Changeable Smart Platform for Information Readout. (a) The template of the "Knight" pattern; (b) The pattern encoded on white paper under daylight; (c) The encoded paper under UV light; (d)-(g) The bending of the encoded thin aluminum sheet; (h) Information readout via directionally thermal stimulation from bottom to up gradually



Multimode-Responsive Luminescence Smart Platform by Single-Sm3+-Doped Phosphors

Jiaren Du*, Shaoxing Lyu, Panqin Wang, Tengyue Wang, Hengwei Lin*

Advanced Optical Materials

DOI: 10.1002/adom.202300359

