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The research topic will be related to “Ferroelectric Materials for Energy Applications” or “Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion”.  A research studentship of around HK$25,800/month will be provided and the tuition fee will be waived.  The normal period of study for a postgraduate program leading to a Ph.D degree is 36/48 months for an applicant with a Master/Bachelor’s degree.

Entrance Requirements:

·             A Master/Bachelor’s degree in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or related disciplines.

·             Strong publication record.

·             Graduated from a top-ranked university with an undergraduate GPA above 3.70 (out of 4.00).

·             Fluent in English:80 or above in TOEFL, or at least 6.5 in IELTS. All English language test scores are considered valid for five years after the date of the test.

Deadline of Application: Dec.1, every year. 

Interested candidate please contact Prof. Huang (aphhuang@polyu.edu.hk) at least one month before the above deadline.