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University of Regina (里贾纳大学) 薛锦凯教授来我组进行学术交流报告

      2023年10月31日下午,University of Regina (里贾纳大学) 薛锦凯老师来我组进行学术交流合作,并为胡汉林老师课题组成员进行《Transforming water treatment residual intoceramsite for nutrient and emerging pollutant removal》的专题报告。此外,两位老师对双方联合培养博士研究生进行洽谈,并希望尽快建立合作,为学生们提供更好的平台。

      Dr Jinkai Xue is an associate professor in Environmental Systems Engineering at the University of Regina, Canada. His research on water resource recovery is funded by severafederal-level funding programs, such as the Natural Science and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada (NSERC) and Canada Foundation for lnnovation (CF). Jinkaiearned his bachelor's degree at Tongji University, China, Master of Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST), Saudi Arabia, and Ph.D. at the University of Alberta. Before his appointment at the UofR, Jinkai performed research as apostdoctoral associate at the University of Minnesota (U.SA.), NSERC PostdoctoraFellow at the University of Waterloo (Canada), and associate professor at Sun Yat-senUniversity (China).