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Ph.D. Position: Microrobotics\Single Cell Analysis\Magnetic Medical Robots

Ph.D. Position: Microrobotics\Single Cell Analysis\Magnetic Medical Robots

The focus of the team

The group focuses on the integration of microfluidic devices, micro-robotics, and MEMS tools for single-cell analysis, targeted therapy, and drug delivery. We are also working on a magnetic manipulation system for various medical applications, such as active navigation of medical devices (magnetic capsule endoscope, magnetic catheter) in the human body.

We are looking for the candidates with a strong academic background and exceptional grades, who have been awarded, or expect to get before the project start, a Master of Science degree in chemistry, mechanical engineering, biology, material science, physics or related fields; can perform independent research with good communication and writing skills; have a strong drive to pursue a career in academia; acquainted with effective and creative visualization of results; an enthusiastic and result-driven person; excellent in problem-solving; a team-player and are highly effective in time and project planning. Previous experience of working with the following topics is highly desirable, including BioMEMS and microfluidic devices for single-cell analysis, diagnosis, detection, and treatment; Light/Magnetically driven microrobots and their applications; Magnetic robots for medical use.

Salary of Ph.D. student

1. The annual salary will not less than 80-100k RMB.

2.English language requirements: TOEFL 80 or above; or IELTS 6.5 overall or above, with no sub-score lower than 6.0.

3.Tuition fee: RMB40,000 per year. Registration fee: RMB500.

4.Accommodation fee: RMB 1,500 per month for a single room in the graduate student dormitories.

5. Extra financial support is available for all international students after enrollment to cover up to 3/4 of the tuition fee and accommodation fees for 11 months. The application should be made to the Graduate School after enrollment.

Our research group has built a Microrobotics manipulation lab, a Chemistry lab, a shared BioLab. SUSTech provides various shared facilities for micro/nano fabrication, material synthesis, and characterization, bioanalysis.

To Apply

Please send your CV and two papers to:hucz@sustech.edu.cn. The documents received are the only job application and will be strictly confidential.

Valid for a long time until the position is filled.

Refer to the website:  https://gs.sustech.edu.cn/boshi2020