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何向明课题组聘请Omar M. Yaghi为清华大学名誉教授

    清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院聘请Prof Omar M. Yaghi为“清华大学名誉教授” 的申请近日被批准。聘请仪式计划于2022年1月13日下午7点(美国太平洋时间,北京时间14号中午11点)线上举行。Yaghi教授将为我们带来精彩学术报告,报告将进行公开“视频直播”。报告将在本公众号中“视频直播”。请大家关注本公众号,收看视频直播。



奥马尔·亚吉(Omar M. Yaghi)

1965年生于约旦首都安曼。美籍约旦裔化学家,美国科学院院士、加州大学伯克利分校James和NeeltjeTretter讲席教授、劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室材料科学部主任。1990年博士毕业于伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校,同年赴哈佛大学从事博士后研究,1992年在亚利桑那州立大学任助理教授,1999年在密歇根大学任教授,2006年任加州大学洛杉矶分校教授,2012年起在加州大学伯克利分校任教授。1998年, Yaghi教授获得美国化学会固态化学奖;2006年,被大众科学杂志评为“美国十大杰出科学家”;2007年获得美国能源部储氢计划杰出贡献奖、美国材料研究学会奖章;2009年获得美国化学学会材料化学奖;2013年获得中国纳米奖;2017年获得英国皇家化学学会斯皮尔斯纪念奖;2018年,Yaghi教授因“通过金属有机框架和共价有机框架开创了网状化学”,获得沃尔夫化学奖。此外,Yaghi教授多次获得诺贝尔化学奖提名。目前担任《美国化学会志》(Journalof American Chemical Society)副主编。



                                  Prof. Omar M. Yaghi









徐宏博士通过亚胺类COF层间堆积能研究,提出亚胺构筑单元中引入给电子侧基提高层间堆积能的策略。在引入甲氧基之后,亚胺COF的结晶性从几乎无规的聚合物提升至高度结晶的水平,所带来的规整结构使材料内部塌陷得以避免,其比表面积接近材料的理论值,达到了二维COF最好水平。同时,材料层间堆积能的提高使得化学稳定性得到了极大的改善,解决了遇质子溶剂(水)不稳定的问题,并可在各类有机溶剂中稳定存在,甚至在苛刻的极端条件:12M盐酸、14M氢氧化钠,甚至100 ˚C沸水水解7天,结晶性和比表面积依然不变;而传统的高比表面积COF在室温条件下就会被微量湿气所分解。该研究成果解决了长期困扰COF领域的结晶性,多孔性,稳定性三者难以兼得的挑战,成果发表于Nature Chemistry2015, 7, 905)。沿袭这一设计思路,徐宏博士成功研发了多个高综合性能的COF,成果发表于JACS2017, 139,2428)和Science2017, 357,673)。并实现了首例基于COF 的无水质子传导材料(Nature Mater. 2016, 15,722; Nature Chem. 2014, 6, 564,首例基于COF的非均相手性催化剂 (Nature Chem. 2015, 7,905; Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 1292。以及储能材料(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed2015, 54,6814; Chem. Commun. 2017, 53,11334.,光电材料(Science 2017, 357, 673; NatureCommun. 2015, 6,7786; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 3241),二氧化碳捕捉材料(Chem. Commun. 2017, 53,4242),污水处理材料(J.Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 2428),储氢(Journal of theAmericanChemical Society,2021, 143,92-96; Chemistry of Materials,published online锂离子电池(Energy StorageMaterials, 202033, 360-381Energy StorageMaterials, 2020,33, 188-215Advanced EnergyMaterials, 2020,10Chemical Communications, 202056, 10465 – 10468;Advanced Materials,2021,e2106335;Energy& Environmental Materials,2021;Nature Communications,2021,accepted)。








 20多年来,研究团队在锂离子电池领域取得多项技术成果并实现了产业化,例如高密度、高活性镍氢电池正极材料,高性能钴酸锂、锰酸锂、镍钴锰酸锂、磷酸铁锂等系列锂离子电池正极材料,以及隔膜改性技术、补锂技术和电池一致性测试技术等等。随着我国锂离子电池产业的逐步成熟,研究团队把更多力量投入到下一代电池技术的创新研究中,取得了多项具有自主知识产权的原始创新成果。部分成果近期正在开展产业化技术研发,例如红磷负极技术(r-P)和锂金属负极技术(Li metal)。目前正在进行新型快充电磷碳电池和下一代500Wh/kg电池的研发工作。


 共价有机框架(Covalent Organic FrameworksCOFs)是一类由共价键连接的有机多孔结晶性聚合物,具有高度有序的孔道结构和高比表面积,在气体吸附及储存、光电转换、非均相催化、能源存储及转换领域有着广阔的应用前景。然而,由于缺乏行之有效的功能化方法以及COF本身稳定性的问题,对该类材料功能化开发的报道十分有限。基于晶体堆积能理论,核研院成功的开发出了兼具极高结构稳定性和高比表面积的COFs,解决了COF材料的稳定性问题。在此基础之上,开发了基于COF的无水质子传导材料,氢氧根传导材料,非均相催化剂以及储氢材料。



 目前半导体关键技术中,极紫外(Extreme UltravioletEUV)光刻是一种采用波长13.5 nm极紫外光为工作波长的投影光刻技术,技术难度大、瓶颈多。由于国际上最先进EUV光源的稳定光功率只有250 W,现有聚合物EUV光刻胶因为曝光剂量高,导致EUV光刻技术面临产能低、成本高、设备技术遭遇垄断等问题。而高感光EUV光刻胶可有效突破上述所有瓶颈。核研院研发成功具有自主知识产权的尺寸最小的金属有机团簇光刻胶,曝光剂量可低于Intel公司提出的20 mJ/cm2的成本线;在分辨率方面,已实现13 nm的密集图形,可满足3.5 nm制程技术的分辨率要求。


1           Rational design of functional binder systems for high-energy lithium-based rechargeable batteries. Energy Storage Materials 35, 353-377,doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2020.11.021 (2021).

2           Li4Ti5O12 spinel anode: Fundamentals and advances in rechargeable batteries. InfoMat, doi:10.1002/inf2.12228 (2021).

3           Graphite as anode materials: Fundamental mechanism, recent progress and advances. Energy Storage Materials 36, 147-170,doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2020.12.027 (2021).

4           Benzophenone asindicator detecting lithium metal inside solid state electrolyte. Journalof Power Sources 492, 229661, doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.229661(2021).

5           Criterion for Identifying Anodes for Practically Accessible High-Energy-Density Lithium-IonBatteries. ACS Energy Letters 6, 3719-3724,doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.1c01713 (2021).

6           Vitrimer-based soft actuators with multiple responsiveness and self-healing ability triggered bymultiple stimuli. Matter, doi:10.1016/j.matt.2021.08.009 (2021).

7           Development ofcathode-electrolyte-interphase for safer lithium batteries. Energy Storage Materials 37, 77-86, doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2021.02.001(2021).

8           In-Built Ultraconformal Interphases Enable High-Safety Practical Lithium Batteries. Energy Storage Materials 43, 248-257,doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2021.09.007 (2021).

9           High-Voltage andHigh-Safety Practical Lithium Batteries with Ethylene Carbonate-FreeElectrolyte. Advanced Energy Materials, doi:10.1002/aenm.202102299 (2021).

10          Nonflammable Pseudoconcentrated Electrolytes for Batteries.Current Opinion inElectrochemistry 30, doi:10.1016/j.coelec.2021.100783(2021).

11          Correlation betweenthermal stabilities of nickel‐rich cathode materials and battery thermalrunaway. International Journal of Energy Research, doi:10.1002/er.7143(2021).

12          From separator tomembrane: separators can function more in lithium ion batteries. Electrochemistry Communications 124, doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2021.106948(2021).

13          Simultaneously blocking chemical crosstalk and internal short circuit via gel-stretchingderived nanoporous non-shrinkage separator for safe lithium-ion batteries. AdvancedMaterials, e2106335, doi:10.1002/adma.202106335 (2021).

14          Impact oflithium‐ion coordination on lithium electrodeposition. Energy & Environmental Materials, doi:10.1002/eem2.12266 (2021).

15          Suppression oflithium dendrite by aramid nanofibrous aerogel separator. Journal of Power Sources515,doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.230608 (2021).

16          A practical approach to predict volume deformation of lithium ion batteries from crystalstructure changes of electrode materials.International Journal of Energy Research,doi:1002/ER.6355 (2021).

17          Investigating the Relationship between Internal Short Circuit and Thermal Runaway of Lithium-IonBatteries under Thermal Abuse Condition. Energy Storage Materials 34,563-573, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ensm.2020.10.020(2021).

18          Anodic Stabilitiesof Various Metals as the Current Collector in High Concentration Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 168,doi:10.1149/1945-7111/abe8ba (2021).

19          Lithium Metal Batteries Enabled by Synergetic Additives in Commercial Carbonate Electrolytes. ACS Energy Letters 6, 1839–1848,doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.1c00365 (2021).

20          In situ observation of thermal-driven degradation and safety concerns of lithiated graphite anode. Nature Communications 12, 4235,doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24404-1 (2021).

21          Internal shortcircuit evaluation and corresponding failure mode analysis for lithium-ionbatteries. Journal of Energy Chemistry61, 269-280,doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2021.03.025 (2021).

22          Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework with ceq Topology. Journal of the American ChemicalSociety 143, 92-96, doi:10.1021/jacs.0c11313 (2021).

23          Thermal runaway mechanism of lithium-ion battery with LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 cathode materials. Nano Energy 85, doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105878 (2021).

24          Thermal-Responsive, Super-Strong, Ultrathin Firewalls for Quenching Thermal Runaway in High-EnergyBattery Modules. Energy Storage Materials40, 329-336,doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2021.05.018 (2021).

25          Phosphorus-dopedlithium- and manganese-rich layered oxide cathode material for fast charginglithium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Chemistry 62,538-545, doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2021.04.026 (2021).

26          Thermal runaway oflithium‐ion batteries employing flame‐retardant fluorinated electrolytes. Energy& Environmental Materials, doi:10.1002/eem2.12297 (2021).

27          Unlocking theself-supported thermal runaway of high-energy lithium-ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials 39, 395-402,doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2021.04.035 (2021).

28          PEO based polymer-ceramic hybrid solid electrolytes: a review.Nano Convergence 8,2, doi:10.1186/s40580-020-00252-5 (2021).

29          Unexpected electocatalytic activity of a micron-sized carbon sphere-graphene (MS-GR)supported palladium composite catalyst for ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). Materials Chemistry and Physics259,doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.124035 (2021).

30          A review oflithium-ion battery safety concerns: the issues, strategies, and testing standards. Journal of Energy Chemistry59, 83-99,doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2020.10.017 (2021).

31          In situ formationof ionically conductive nanointerphase on Si particles for stable batteryanode. Science China Chemistry64, 1417-1425, doi:10.1007/s11426-021-1023-4(2021).

32          Investigating thethermal runaway features of lithium-ion batteries using a thermal resistancenetwork model. Applied Energy295, doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.117038(2021).

33          The opportunity ofmetal organic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks in lithium (ion)batteries and fuel cells. Energy Storage Materials 33,360-381, doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2020.08.028 (2020).

34          A Facile Approachto High Precision Detection of Cell-to-Cell Variation for Li-ion Batteries. Scientific Reports 10, 7182, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-64174-2 (2020).

35          An Empirical Modelfor the Design of Batteries with High Energy Density. ACS Energy Letters 5,807-816, doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.0c00211 (2020).

36          Reviewing theCurrent Status and Development of Polymer Electrolytes for Solid-State LithiumBatteries. Energy Storage Materials33, 188-215, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ensm.2020.08.014(2020).

37          Thickness variationof lithium metal anode with cycling. Journal of Power Sources 476,doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228749 (2020).

38          AcceleratedLithium-ion Conduction in Covalent Organic Frameworks. Chemical Communications 56,10465 - 10468, doi:10.1039/D0CC04324A (2020).

39          CountersolventElectrolytes for Lithium-Metal Batteries.Advanced Energy Materials 10,doi:10.1002/aenm.201903568 (2020).

40          Confining ultrafineLi3P nanoclusters in porous carbon for high-performance lithium-ion battery anode.Nano Research 13, 1122-1126, doi:10.1007/s12274-020-2756-2 (2020).

41          Recycling of Ligninand Si Waste for Advanced Si/C Battery Anodes. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 12,57055-57063, doi:10.1021/acsami.0c16865 (2020).

42          Comparative studyon substitute triggering approaches for internal short circuit in lithium-ionbatteries. Applied Energy 259, 13,doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.114143 (2020).

43          Toward aHigh-Voltage Fast-Charging Pouch Cell with TiO2 Cathode Coating and EnhancedBattery Safety. Nano Energy 71, doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2020.104643(2020).

44          Large-scalesynthesis of lithium- and manganese-rich materials with uniform thin-film Al2O3coating for stable cathode cycling.SCIENCE CHINA Materials 63,1683-1692, doi:10.1007/s40843-020-1327-8 (2020).

45          Thermal runaway ofLithium-ion batteries employing LiN(SO2F)2-based concentrated electrolytes. Nature Communications11, 5100,doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18868-w (2020).

46          A polymericcomposite protective layer for stable Li metal anodes. Nano Convergence 7,21, doi:10.1186/s40580-020-00231-w (2020).

47          PVDF-HFP/LiFcomposite interfacial film to enhance the stability of Li-metal anodes. ACS Applied Energy Materials 3, 7191-7199,doi:10.1021/acsaem.0c01232 (2020).

48          Mitigating ThermalRunaway of Lithium-Ion Batteries. Joule4,743-770, doi:10.1016/j.joule.2020.02.010 (2020).

49          A reliable approachof differentiating discrete sampled-data for battery diagnosis. eTransportation 3,doi:10.1016/j.etran.2020.100051 (2020).

50          Honeycomb-shaped carbonparticles prepared from bicycle waste tires for anodes in lithium ionbatteries. Materials Chemistry and Physics 251,doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.123202 (2020).

51          Preparation of CuBrnanoparticles on the surface of the commercial copper foil via a soaking methodat room temperature: Its unexpected facilitation to the discharge capacity ofthe commercial graphite electrode. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry877,doi:10.1016/j.jelechem.2020.114626 (2020).

52          An ionicliquid-present hydrothermal method for preparing hawthorn sherry ball shapedpalladium (Pd)-based composite catalysts for ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45, 1930-1939,doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.11.110 (2020).

53          An Exploration ofNew Energy Storage System: High Energy Density, High Safety, and Fast ChargingLithium Ion Battery. Advanced Functional Materials 29,doi:10.1002/adfm.201805978 (2019).

54          New Organic Complexfor Lithium Layered Oxide Modification: Ultrathin Coating, High-Voltage, andSafety Performances. ACS Energy Letters 4,656-665, doi:10.1021/acsenergylett.9b00032 (2019).

55          Red phosphorusfilled biomass carbon as high-capacity and long-life anode for sodium-ionbatteries. Journal of Power Sources430, 60-66, doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2019.04.086(2019).

56          Design of RedPhosphorus Nanostructured Electrode for Fast-Charging Lithium-Ion Batterieswith High Energy Density. Joule 3,1080-1093, doi:10.1016/j.joule.2019.01.017 (2019).

57          A comparativeinvestigation of aging effects on thermal runaway behavior of lithium-ionbatteries. eTransportation 2, doi:10.1016/j.etran.2019.100034(2019).

58          Overchargebehaviors and failure mechanism of lithium-ion batteries under different testconditions. Applied Energy 250, 323-332,doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.05.015 (2019).

59          Corrosionresistance mechanism of chromate conversion coated aluminium current collectorin lithium-ion batteries. Corrosion Science158,108100, doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2019.108100 (2019).

60          Conformal HollowCarbon Sphere Coated on Sn4P3 Microspheres as High-Rate and Cycle-Stable AnodeMaterials with Superior Sodium Storage Capability. ACS Applied Energy Materials2,1756-1764, doi:10.1021/acsaem.8b01885 (2019).

61          Hollow NiCoSe2microspheres@N-doped carbon as high-performance pseudocapacitive anodematerials for sodium ion batteries.Electrochimica Acta 310,230-239, doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2019.04.124 (2019).

62          Investigating thethermal runaway mechanisms of lithium-ion batteries based on thermal analysisdatabase. Applied Energy 246, 53-64,doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.04.009 (2019).

63          Probing the heatsources during thermal runaway process by thermal analysis of different batterychemistries. Journal of Power Sources378, 527-536, doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.12.050(2018).

64          Electrochemicalactivation, voltage decay and hysteresis of Li-rich layered cathode probed byvarious cobalt content. Electrochimica Acta 265,115-120, doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2018.01.181 (2018).

65          An Exploration of NewEnergy Storage System: High Energy Density, High Safety, and Fast ChargingLithium Ion Battery. Advanced Functional Materials 29,doi:10.1002/adfm.201805978 (2018).

66          Model-based thermalrunaway prediction of lithium-ion batteries from kinetics analysis of cellcomponents. Applied Energy228, 633-644,doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.06.126 (2018).

67          PseudoconcentratedElectrolyte with High Ionic Conductivity and Stability Enables High-VoltageLithium-Ion Battery Chemistry. ACS Applied Energy Materials 1,5446-5452, doi:10.1021/acsaem.8b01020 (2018).

68          Thermal Runaway ofLithium-Ion Batteries without Internal Short Circuit. Joule 2,2047-2064, doi:10.1016/j.joule.2018.06.015 (2018).

69          Protecting Al foilsfor high-voltage lithium-ion chemistries.Materials Today Energy 7,18-26, doi:10.1016/j.mtener.2017.12.001 (2018).

70          Detecting theinternal short circuit in large-format lithium-ion battery using model-basedfault-diagnosis algorithm. Journal of Energy Storage 18,26-39, doi:10.1016/j.est.2018.04.020 (2018).

71          Time Sequence Mapfor Interpreting the Thermal Runaway Mechanism of Lithium-Ion Batteries WithLiNixCoyMnzO2 Cathode.Frontiers in Energy Research 6,doi:10.3389/fenrg.2018.00126 (2018).

72          Mechanisms for theevolution of cell variations within a LiNixCoyMnzO2/graphite lithium-ionbattery pack caused by temperature non-uniformity. Journal of Cleaner Production 205,447-462, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.09.003 (2018).

73          Thermal runawaymechanism of lithium ion battery for electric vehicles: A review. Energy Storage Materials 10, 246-267,doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2017.05.013 (2018).

74          A CoupledElectrochemical-Thermal Failure Model for Predicting the Thermal RunawayBehavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries.Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165,A3748-A3765, doi:10.1149/2.0311816jes (2018).

75          Analysis on theFault Features for Internal Short Circuit Detection Using anElectrochemical-Thermal Coupled Model. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165,A155-A167, doi:10.1149/2.0501802jes (2018).

76          Using PdO and PbOas the starting materials to prepare a multi-walled carbon nanotubes supportedcomposite catalyst (PdxPby/MWCNTs) for ethanol oxidation reaction (EOR). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43, 1523-1528,doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.11.142 (2018).

77          K0.83V2O5: A NewLayered Compound as a Stable Cathode Material for Potassium-Ion Batteries. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 12, 9332-9340,doi:10.1021/acsami.9b22087 (2020).

78          A highly soluble,crystalline covalent organic framework compatible with device implementation. Chemical Science 10, 1023-1028, doi:10.1039/c8sc04255a (2019).

79          Three-DimensionalPrinting of Hierarchical Porous Architectures.Chemistry of Materials 31,10017-10022, doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b02761 (2019).

80          Metal-OrganicFramework-Inspired Metal-Containing Clusters for High-Resolution Patterning. Chemistryof Materials 30, 4124-4133,doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.8b01573 (2018).

81          Designed synthesisof stable light-emitting two-dimensional sp(2) carbon-conjugated covalentorganic frameworks. Nature Communications 9, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-06719-8(2018).

82          A backbone designprinciple for covalent organic frameworks: the impact of weakly interacting unitson CO2 adsorption. Chemical Communications53, 4242-4245,doi:10.1039/c7cc01921a (2017).

83          Two-dimensionalsp(2) carbon-conjugated covalent organic frameworks. Science 357,673-676, doi:10.1126/science.aan0202 (2017).

84          Stable CovalentOrganic Frameworks for Exceptional Mercury Removal from Aqueous Solutions. Journalof the American Chemical Society139, 2428-2434,doi:10.1021/jacs.6b12328 (2017).

85          Bicarbazole-basedredox-active covalent organic frameworks for ultrahigh-performance energy storage.Chemical Communications 53, 11334-11337, doi:10.1039/c7cc07024a(2017).

86          Proton conductionin crystalline and porous covalent organic frameworks. Nature Materials 15,722-+, doi:10.1038/nmat4611 (2016).

87          Stable,crystalline, porous, covalent organic frameworks as a platform for chiralorganocatalysts. Nature Chemistry 7, 905-912, doi:10.1038/nchem.2352(2015).

88          Radical CovalentOrganic Frameworks: A General Strategy to Immobilize Open-AccessiblePolyradicals for High-Performance Capacitive Energy Storage. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition54, 6814-6818,doi:10.1002/anie.201501706 (2015).

89          A pi-electroniccovalent organic framework catalyst: pi-walls as catalytic beds for Diels-Alderreactions under ambient conditions.Chemical Communications 51,10096-10098, doi:10.1039/c5cc03457d (2015).

90          Design of HighlyPhotofunctional Porous Polymer Films with Controlled Thickness and ProminentMicroporosity. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 54,11540-11544, doi:10.1002/anie.201504786 (2015).

91          pi-ConjugatedMicroporous Polymer Films: Designed Synthesis, Conducting Properties, andPhotoenergy Conversions. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 54,13594-13598, doi:10.1002/anie.201506570 (2015).

92          Rational design ofcrystalline supermicroporous covalent organic frameworks with triangulartopologies. Nature Communications 6, doi:10.1038/ncomms8786 (2015).

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