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王丹 助理教授,硕导    

       王丹,助理教授,硕士生导师,长期从事材料物性探索的理论计算研究和方法开发,在Physical Review Letters, Nano Letters, Nano Today 等国际期刊发表文章20余篇,获批国家专利1项。曾获耶鲁大学学术论坛和纽约计算量子物理中心学术论坛邀请报告。曾以第一完成人获吉林省自然科学学术成果奖。开发的二维半导体缺陷电离能评价方法曾被美国莱斯大学、新加坡计算所等近20个机构使用。开发的二维材料缺陷评价的连续介质模型被开源第一性原理计算软件JDFTx集成发布。


      2007.09-2011.06 吉林大学,电子科学与技术,本科/工学学士

      2011.09-2017.06 吉林大学,物理电子学,博士/工学博士


      2018.04-2020.06 伦斯勒理工学院,博士后研究员

      2020.07-2022.10 耶鲁大学,博士后研究员


1. D. Wang, D. Han, X.-B. Li, S.-Y. Xie, N.-K. Chen, W. Q. Tian, D. West, H.-B. Sun, and S. Zhang,  “Determination of formation and ionization energies of charged defects in two-dimensional  materials”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 196801 (2015).  

2. D. Wang, X.-B. Li, D. Han, W. Q. Tian, and H.-B. Sun, “Engineering two-dimensional electronics by  semiconductor defects”, Nano Today 16, 30 (2017).  

3. D. Wang, X.-B. Li, and H.-B. Sun, “Modulation Doping: A Strategy for 2D Materials Electronics”,  Nano Letters, 21, 6298 (2021). 

4. D. Wang, D. Han, X.-B. Li, N.-K. Chen, D. West, V. Meunier, S. Zhang, and H.-B. Sun, “Charged  defects in two-dimensional semiconductors of arbitrary thickness and geometry: formulation and  application to few-layer black phosphorus”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 155424 (2017).  

5. D. Wang and R. Sundararaman, “Layer dependence of defect charge transition levels in twodimensional materials”, Phys. Rev. B 101, 054103 (2020).

6. D. Wang and R. Sundararaman, “Substrate effects on charged defects in two-dimensional  materials”, Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 083803 (2019). 

7. D. Wang, D. Han, D. West, N.-K. Chen, S.-Y. Xie, W. Q. Tian, V. Meunier, S. Zhang, and X.-B. Li,  “Excitation to defect-bound band edge states in two-dimensional semiconductors and its effect  on carrier transport”, npj Comput. Mater. 5, 8 (2019). 1/4

8. D. Wang, X.-B. Li, and H.-B. Sun, “Native defects and substitutional impurities in two-dimensional  monolayer InSe”, Nanoscale 9, 11619 (2017).  

9. D. Wang, D. Han, X.-B. Li, S.-Y. Xie, N.-K. Chen, W. Q. Tian, S. Zhang, and H.-B. Sun, “Possible n/ptype conductivity of two-dimensional graphene oxide by boron and nitrogen doping: evaluated  via constrained excitation”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 203113 (2016).  

10. S. Xia*, D. Wang*, N.-K. Chen, D. Han, X.-B. Li, and H.-B. Sun, “Evaluation of charged defects in  two-dimensional semiconductors for nanoelectronics: The WLZ extrapolation method”, Annalen  der Physik 532, 1900318 (2020). *Corresponding author and equal contribution 11. M.-Y. Ma, N.-K. Chen, D. Wang*, D. Han, H.-B. Sun, and X.-B. Li*, “Defect physics in 2D monolayer  I-VII semiconductor AgI”, Materi. Today Nano, In Revision (2022). *Corresponding author

11. F.-C. Pang, D. Wang, N.-K. Chen, S.-Y. Xie, X. Meng, C.-S. Huo, H. Yang, X.-P. Su, W.-Q. Wang, and  H.-L. Tu, “First-principles simulations of local structure contrast for liquid Ge1Sb2Te4, Ge2Sb2Te5, and Ge4Sb1Te5 alloys”, Comput. Mater. Sci. 61, 287 (2012).  

12. L. Guo, Y.-L. Zhang, D.-D. Han, H.-B. Jiang, D. Wang, X.-B. Li, H. Xia, J. Feng, Q.-D. Chen, and H.-B.  Sun, “Laser-mediated programmable N-doping and simultaneous reduction of graphene oxides”,  Adv. Opt. Mater. 2, 120 (2014).  

13. S.-Y. Xie, X.-B. Li, W.-Q. Tian, D. Wang, N.-K. Chen, D. Han, and H.-B. Sun, “Slide fastener reduction  of graphene-oxide edges by calcium: insight from ab initio molecular dynamics”, Chem. Phys.  Chem. 15, 2707 (2014).  

14. L. Wang, Z. Wang, H.-Y. Wang, G. Grinblat, Y.-L. Huang, D. Wang, X.-H. Ye, X.-B. Li, Q. Bao, A.-S.  Wee, S. A. Maier, Q.-D. Chen, M.-L. Zhong, C.-W. Qiu, and H.-B. Sun, “Slow cooling and efficient  extraction of C-exciton hot carriers in MoS2 monolayer”, Nat. Comm. 8, 13906 (2017). 

15. X.-Y. Ren, S. Xia, X.-B. Li, N.-K. Chen, X.-P. Wang, D. Wang, Z.-G. Chen, S. Zhang, and H.-B. Sun,  “Non-phase-separated 2D B–C–N alloys via molecule-like carbon doping in 2D BN: atomic  structures and optoelectronic properties”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 23106 (2018). 

16. Y.-L. Zhang, Y.‐Q. Liu, D.‐D. Han, J.‐N. Ma, D. Wang, X.‐B. Li, and H.‐B. Sun, “Quantum‐Confined‐ Superfluidics‐Enabled Moisture Actuation Based on Unilaterally Structured Graphene Oxide  Papers”, Adv. Mater. 31, 1901585 (2019). 

17. Z. Wang, G. Yuan, M. Yang, J. Chai, Q. Y. S. Wu, T. Wang, M. Sebek, D. Wang, L. Wang, S. Wang,  D. Chi, G. Adamo, C. Soci, H. Sun, K. Huang, and J. Teng, “Exciton-Enabled Meta-Optics in TwoDimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”, Nano Lett. 20, 7964 (2020). 

18. N.-K. Chen, J. Bang, X.-B. Li, X.-P. Wang, D. Wang, Q.-D. Chen, H.-B. Sun, and S. Zhang, “Optical  subpicosecond nonvolatile switching and electron-phonon coupling in ferroelectric materials”,  Phys. Rev. B 102, 184115 (2020). 

19. Y.-Y. Yue, Z. Wang, L. Wang, H.-Y. Wang, Y. Chen, D. Wang, Q. Chen, B.-R. Gao, A. T. S. Wee, C. Qiu, and H.-B. Sun, “Many-particle induced band renormalization processes in few- and monolayer MoS2”, Nanotechnology 32 135208 (2020). 2/4

20. D. Han, X.-B Li, D. Wang, N.-K Chen, and X. W. Fan, “Doping in the two-dimensional limit: p/ntype defects in monolayer ZnO”, Phys. Rev. B 105, 024104 (2022). 

21. S.-W. Zheng, D. Wang, H.-Y. Wang, H. Wang, X. Chen, L.-Y. Zhao, L. Wang, X.-B. Li, and H.-B. Sun.  "Spin-Valley Depolarization in van der Waals Heterostructures", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 5501 (2022). 

22. M.-Y. Ma, D. Han, N.-K. Chen, D. Wang, and X.-B. Li, “Recent Progress in Double-Layer  Honeycomb Structure: A New Type of Two-Dimensional Material”, Materials 15, 7715 (2022). 

23. B. Hou, D. Wang, B. A. Barker, and D. Y. Qiu*, “Exchange-Driven Intermixing of Bulk and  Topological Surface State by Chiral Excitons in Bi2Se3”, Phys. Rev. Lett., In Review (2022).


Screening method for encapsulation layer in the strategy of modulation doping of 2D materials  and the obtained heterostructure, CN 113436963A (2021).