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祝贺2022级褚杰同学在Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering期刊发表学术论文


Integrating CO     2 capture and utilization (ICCU) in the production of syngas for the C1 chemical industry through ICCU-RWGS (reverse water–gas shift reaction) is a vital strategy for achieving carbon reduction, and designing highly active dual-functional materials (DFMs) capable of CO     2 adsorption and in-situ conversion is crucial. Alkaline lithium ceramics with high availability, featuring high CO     2 capture and catalytic performance, are promising DFMs candidates for ICCU-RWGS. Herein, lithium ceramics of Li     5FeO     4, Li     6CoO     4 and Li     6ZnO     4 were prepared via solid state synthesis as potential DFMs for ICCU-RWGS applications, and structure-property-activity relationships of the lithium ceramics DFMs in ICCU were discussed. The Li-Zn sample with high surface basicity and high density and uniform dispersion of active sites demonstrated a high CO     2 uptake (7.71 mmol CO     2/g), CO yield (6.52 mmol CO/g), CO     2 conversion (84.9%) and CO selectivity (~100%) as well as moderate CO     2 adsorption and hydrogenation kinetics at 650      oC, 10%CO     2 and 40%H     2, making it a promising candidate for ICCU-RWGS. However, the Li-Zn DFMs exhibited poor cyclic ICCU-RWGS working stability due to lithium sublimation and crystal sintering at high temperatures, which deserves more future efforts to solve the dilemma. Our findings provide valuable insights into designing cost-effective DFMs for ICCU applications.

期刊简介:Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,中科院二区TOP,2024年影响因子:7.4
