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兰海 硕士研究生     进组时间: 2012.09    离组时间: 2015.06









[1] Hai Lan, Guilin Zhou*, Cuijuan Luo, Yinrong Yu, Hongmei Xie, Guizhi Zhang. High efficiency CeCu composite oxide catalysts improved via preparation methods for propyl acetate catalytic combustion in air [J]. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2016, 14(3): 757–768.

[2] 兰  海, 周桂林*, 杨兴会, 谢红梅. 硬模板法制备Ce基复合氧化物及甲苯催化燃烧性能研究 [J]. 燃料化学学报, 2015, 43 (4): 483–489.

[3] Xiao Tan, Hai Lan, Hongmei Xie, Guilin Zhou*, Yi Jiang. Role of surface oxygen species of mesoporous CeCu oxide catalyst in OVOCs catalytic combustion [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2017, 5(2): 2068–2076.

[4] Guilin Zhou*, Hai Lan, Taotao Gao, Hongmei Xie. Influence of Ce/Cu ratio on the performance of ordered mesoporous CeCu composite oxide catalysts [J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 246: 53–63.

[5] Guilin Zhou*, Hai Lan, Hongmei Xie. Effects of preparation method on CeCu oxide catalyst performance [J]. RSC advances, 2014, 4, 50840–50850.

[6] Guilin Zhou*, Hai Lan, Hui Wang, Hongmei Xie, Guizhi Zhang, Xuxu Zheng. Catalytic combustion of PVOCs on MnOx catalysts [J]. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014, 393: 279–288.

[7] Guilin Zhou*, Hai Lan, Xiaoqing Yang, Qingxiang Du, Hongmei Xie, Min Fu. Effects of the structure of Ce-Cu catalysts on the catalytic combustion of toluene in air [J]. Ceramics International, 2013, 39(4): 3677–3683.

[8] 周桂林, 兰  海, 王  慧, 谢红梅, 刘慧冉, 周  适. 用于空气中苯系物催化消除的MnOx催化剂及其制备方法 [P]. 专利号: ZL201310137519.X.