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张桂芝 高级实验师/研究生导师     进组时间: 2012.09


2008/03—2011/12,重庆大学,热能工程专业,获工学硕士学位(导师:廖强 教授);










[9] Guizhi Zhang#, Bingman Lei#, Shengming Chen, Hongmei Xie*, Guilin Zhou. Activated carbon adsorbents with micro-mesoporous structure derived from waste biomass by stepwise activation for toluene removal from air [J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering2021, 9(4): 105387.

[8] 张桂芝, 邵承斌, 王星敏, 景佳佳. 序批式光合细菌产氢过程中底物的消耗特征 [J]. 应用化工, 2017, 46(12): 24082415.

[7] 张桂芝, 廖强*, 王永忠. 微生物固定化载体材料研究进展 [J]. 材料导报, 2011, (17): 105109.

[6] Guilin Zhou*, Huiran Liu, Kaikai Cui, Hongmei Xie, Guizhi Zhang, Kun Xiong, Xuxu Zheng. Methanation of carbon dioxide over Ni/CeO2catalysts: Effects of support CeO2 structure [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(25): 16108–16117.

[5] Guilin Zhou*, Bican Dai, Hongmei Xie, Guizhi Zhang, Kun Xiong, Xuxu Zheng. CeCu composite catalyst for CO synthesis by reverse water–gas shift reaction: Effect of Ce/Cu mole ratio [J]. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2017, 21: 292–301.

[4] Bican Dai, Guilin Zhou*, Shaobing Ge, Hongmei Xie, Zhaojie Jiao, Guizhi Zhang, Kun Xiong. CO2 reverse water-gas shift reaction on mesoporous M-CeO2 catalysts [J]. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 95(4): 634–642.

[3] Guilin Zhou*, Hai Lan, Hui Wang, Hongmei Xie, Guizhi Zhang, Xuxu Zheng. Catalytic combustion of PVOCs on MnOx catalysts [J]. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014, 393: 279288.

[2] Jia Zeng, Guilin Zhou*, Yongmei Ai, Ning Li, Guizhi Zhang. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of chlorophenol over a Ce0.86Cu0.14-xO2 catalyst [J]. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2013, 11(1): 1–9.

[1] Guilin Zhou*, Hongmei Xie, Baoguo Gui, Guizhi Zhang, Xuxi Zheng.Influence of NiO on the performance of CoO-based catalysts for the selective oxidation of CO in H2-rich gas [J]. Catalysis Communications, 2012, 19: 42–45.


[1] 张桂芝5/7,天然产物高质转化的生物酶破壁植提关键技术及其应用,重庆市人民政府,科学技术进步奖,三等奖,2012。