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课题组近期研究发现,焙烧温度对采用氧化还原法制得的纳米MnOx催化剂的甲苯催化氧化性能具有显著影响。通过改变焙烧温度实现了对纳米MnOx催化剂表面化学组成和结构的调控,有效调控催化剂表面活性中心数量,进而实现纳米MnOx催化剂对甲苯分子的吸附、活化和氧化能力的调控。400 °C焙烧制得的M400催化剂具有大量MnO2活性物种、高的比表面积和发达的孔隙率,以及丰富的活性氧物种和氧空位,有利于对甲苯和氧分子的吸附和活化,从而表现出优异的甲苯催化氧化活性。在反应温度为140 °C时,甲苯氧化转化率高达99.4%。此外,经过690 min的稳定性测试后,甲苯转化率仍保持在 96.6 %以上


Chunmei Fan (樊春眉), Shuang Chen*, Jia Zeng, Hongmei Xie, Ling Chen, Ping Ouyang, Guilin Zhou*. Nano-MnOxprepared by redox method for toluene oxidation removal from air [J]. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2025, 196: 112379.



Catalytic oxidation is an effective VOCs removal technology with great potential and development advantages. The key to the oxidative elimination of VOCs lies in the development and application of the catalyst with high effciency. In this work, the nano-MnOx catalysts were prepared by redox method and the catalytic oxidation performance of toluene was studied. The calcination temperature could effectively change the surface chemical composition and the nano-MnOx catalyst structures, which could effectively regulate the number of active centers on the catalyst surface to improve the adsorption, activation, and oxidation ability of the nano-MnOx catalysts for toluene molecules. The nano-MnOx catalyst dominated by the MnO2 phase, which was prepared at the calcination temperature of 400 °C, had a high specific surface area, developed porosity, abundant reactive oxygen species, and oxygen vacancies. The structural characteristics are conducive to the adsorption, activation, and oxidation of toluene and oxygen molecules, and thus exhibited excellent toluene catalytic oxidation activity. At the reaction temperature of 140 °C, the toluene oxidation conversion was as high as 99.4 %, and the toluene conversion remained above 96.6 % after experiencing a 690 min stability test.