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Applications are always welcome. Come and see, experience research for yourself!

Postdocs, PhD/Master Students:

Projects- (1) Wood nanogenerator: wood piezoelectric nanogenerator, wood triboelectric nanogenerator, and cellulose-based nanogenerator;

(2) Electrocatalytic wood: novel wood-based single atom electrocatalysts for water splitting;

(3) Multi-functional self-healing wood-based materials: photothermal-responded self-healing, multi-functional including: anti-icing, anti-freezing, photothermal response, sensing, catalysis, etc.

Interested students are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Gao along with CV and representative publications (up to five for Postdocs and PhD students) if any.

Email: gaolk@nefu.edu.cn

Here in Gao Lab, we value creativity, passion and innovation. We are delighted that you are considering joining us for your education. 

Applications are always welcome. Come and see, experience research for yourself!
