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吴凯 副研究员 博士生导师    


       吴凯的主要研究方向涉及有关宏观及微纳尺度热输运(热传导、热辐射)的基础研究和新材料开发,包括本征导热高分子材料、导热复合材料、热界面材料、相变储热材料、液态金属及低熔点合金材料、辐射热管理及制冷、热隐身等,通过解决材料或关键应用中的科学/工程问题,推动其在电子信息、生命健康等领域的应用。目前已在Advanced Materials (3), Advanced Functional Materials (3), Advanced Science, ACS Nano, Matter等杂志以第一/通讯作者身份发表SCI论文30余篇,Google学术SCI引用2800余次,H index 28,已申请授权中国发明专利8项。 长期为ACS,RSC,Wiley,Elsevier等多个主流数据库的众多SCI杂志审稿。担任中国化学会纤维素专业委员会委员、《中国塑料》青年编委、英文杂志IET Nanodielectrics和Polymers客座编辑。目前已主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划子课题、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金、国家/教育部重点实验开放课题等纵向基金和多项企业联合开发项目。相关研究工作被国家自然科学基金委(科学传播与成果转化中心)、中国科技报、科学网、DeepTech、Cell Press、高分子科技等媒体作为亮点报道。



1. K. Wu*, J. Wang, D. Liu, C. Lei, D. Liu, W. Lei*, Q. Fu*, Highly Thermoconductive, Thermostable and Super Flexible Film by Engineering 1D Rigid Rod-Like Aramid Nanofiber/2D Boron Nitride Nanosheets, Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 1906939. 

2. X. Chen, K. Wu*, Y. Zhang, D. Liu, R. Li, Q. Fu*, Tropocollagen‐Inspired Hierarchical Spiral Structure of Organic Fibers in Epoxy Bulk for 3D High Thermal Conductivity, Advanced Materials, 2022, 34, 2206088. 

3. J. Xu, T. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhang, K. Wu*, C. Lei, Q. Fu*, J. Fu*, Dragonfly wing-inspired architecture makes a stiff yet tough healable material, Matter, 2021, 4, 2474.

4. C. Lei, Z. Xie, K. Wu*, Q. Fu*, Controlled Vertical Structures in Polymeric Matrix: Natural Inspiration, Structural Processing, and Functional Application, Advanced Materials, 2021, 2103495.

5. Z. Xie, Z. Dou, D. Wu, X. Zeng, Y. Feng, Y. Tian, Q. Fu*, K. Wu*, Joint‐Inspired Liquid and Thermal Conductive Interface for Designing Thermal Interface Materials with High Solid Filling yet Excellent Thixotropy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 2214071.

6. Y. Zhang, K. Wu*, Q. Fu*, A Structured Phase Change Material with Controllable Thermoconductive Highway Enables Unparalleled Electricity via Solar-Thermal-Electric Conversion, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 2109255.

7. J. Chen, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, D. Ye, C. Lei, K. Wu*, Q. Fu*, Knittable Composite Fiber Allows Constant and Tremendous Self‐Powering Based on the Transpiration‐Driven Electrokinetic Effect, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 2203666. 

8. D. Liu, C. Lei, K. Wu*, Q. Fu*, A Multidirectionally Thermoconductive Phase Change Material Enables High and Durable Electricity via Real-Environment Solar–Thermal–Electric Conversion, ACS Nano, 2020, 14, 15738.

9. Y. Zhang, C. Lei, K. Wu*, Q. Fu*, Fully Organic Bulk Polymer with Metallic Thermal Conductivity and Tunable Thermal Pathways, Advanced Science, 2021, 2004821.

10. D. Wang, D. Liu, J. Xu, J. Fu*, K. Wu*, Highly Thermoconductive Yet Ultraflexible Polymer Composite with Superior Mechanical Properties and Autonomous Self-Healing Functionality via Binary Fillers Strategy, Materials Horizons, 2022, 9, 640.