博士,讲师,2015年博士毕业于大连理工大学化学工艺专业,2017年6月从浙江工业大学调入海南热带海洋学院工作。分别在美国,澳大利亚,日本和韩国进行学习培养和学术交流,研究方向为碳纳米材料的制备组装及其在能源与环境领域的应用。目前兼任浙江工业大学校外硕士生导师,指导学生获得省市乃至国家级创新创业比赛奖励10余项,已经完成2项省部级项目研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,省自然科学基金1项,三亚市院地合作课题1项以及企业横向课题3项,申请发明专利3项,转让技术专利1项。自主研发的钻井平台含油废水处理技术已经在中海油渤海油田完成样机测试,目前正在进行工业装置放大。已在 “Adv.Mater.”、“Adv.Funct.Mater.”、“Carbon”、“ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces”、 “Nanoscale”、《化学进展》等杂志发SCI论文14篇,总被引大于800次。同时担任“Adv. Funct. Mater.”、“Carbon”、“Chem. Commun.”、“Nanoscale”、《化学进展》等本领域核心刊物审稿人,多次参与国际会议并作口头报告。
2017.06~今 海南热带海洋学院 生命科学与生态学院 讲师
2015.06~2017.06 浙江工业大学 环境学院 校聘副教授
2014.08 日本东北大学 工学部 Campus Asia Program
2013.10~2015.05 大连理工大学 化学工艺 硕博连读
2012.10~2013.09 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织 材料科学与工程研究所 国家公派留学
2009.09~2012.09 大连理工大学 化学工艺 硕博连读
2005.09~2009.07 武汉工程大学 药物制剂 工学学士
2018.01~2020,12 国家自然科学基金青年基金 《折叠形态石墨烯纳米带的构筑及其储锂性能研究》(负责)
2014.10~2015.03 中央高校基本科研业务费资助 《石墨烯的多维度组装及其性能研究》(负责)
2013.04~2013.10 Chevron 工业项目子课题《The Mechanism for the Deposition of Pyrolytic Carbon (pyc)》(负责)
2013.05 澳大利亚国家同步辐射实验室:利用同步加速器研究石墨烯自组装结构(负责)
2012.10~2013.09 CSIRO联合培养项目:《Functionalization and Biomedical Applications of Graphene》(负责)
1. WB Wan, LL Li, ZB Zhao, H Hu, XJ Hao, DA Winkler, LC Xi, TC Hughes, JS Qiu. Ultrafast fabrication of covalently cross-linked multifunctional graphene oxide monoliths, Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24 (31):4915-4921.
2. H Hu, ZB Zhao, WB Wan, Y Gogotsi, JS Qiu. Ultralight and highly compressible graphene aerogels. Advanced Materials, 2013, 25(15): 2219–2223.
3. WB Wan, ZB Zhao, H Hu, XJ Hao, TC Hughes, H Ma, LJ Pan, JS Qiu. Folding of graphene into elastic nanobelts. Carbon 2014, 76 (0), 46-53.
4. WB Wan, ZB Zhao, TC. Hughes, SH Peng, BQ Qian, XJ Hao, JS Qiu. Graphene oxide liquid crystal Pickering emulsions and their assemblies. Carbon 2015, 85 (0), 16-23.
5. WB Wan, ZB Zhao, H Hu, Y Gogotsi, JS Qiu. Highly controllable and green reduction of graphene oxide to flexible graphene film with high strength, Materials Research Bulletin, 2013, 48(11): 4797-4803
6. WB Wan, ZB Zhao, H Hu, Q Zhou, YR Fan, JS Qiu. “Green” reduction of graphene oxide to graphene by sodium citrate. New Carbon Materials, 2011, 26(1):16-20
7. WB Wan, ZB Zhao, H Hu, Q Zhou, YR Fan, JS Qiu, Graphene derivatives: synthesis and applications. Progress in Chemistry, 2011, 23(9):1883-1891
8. H Hu, ZB Zhao, WB Wan, Y Gogotsi, JS Qiu. Polymer/Graphene hybrid aerogel with high compressibility, conductivity, and “Sticky” superhydrophobicity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6 (5):3242-3249.
9. Y Liu, XZ Wang, WB Wan, LL Li, YF Dong, ZB Zhao, JS Qiu. Multifunctional nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbon aerogels for superior lithium storage and cell culture. Nanoscale, 2016. 2016.8(4), 2159-2167
10. K Wang, L Li, H Yin, T Zhang, WB Wan. Thermal Modelling Analysis of Spiral Wound Supercapacitor under Constant-Current Cycling. PLOS ONE, 2015;10(10):e0138672.
11.WB Wan, H Hu, ZB Zhao, JS Qiu,XJ Hao, Tim Hughes. Crosslink of graphene for energy applications, The 34th Australasian Polymer Symposium, Darwin, Australia, 7th-10th July, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-646-90563-1
12.JY Qu, F Gao, Q Zhou, ZY Wang, H Hu, BB Li, WB Wan, XZ Wang, JS Qiu. Highly atom-economic synthesis of graphene/Mn3O4 hybrid composites for electrochemical supercapacitors. Nanoscale, 2013, 5: 2999-3005.
13. WB Wan, ZB Zhao, YR Fan, JS Qiu, Reduction of graphene oxide to graphene by sodium citrate. The Annual World Conference on Carbon 2011, Shanghai, China, 12nd-17th June, 2011.
14. WB Wan, LL Li, ZB Zhao, H Hu, XJ Hao, DA Winkler, LC Xi, TC Hughes, JS Qiu Ultrafast cross-link of biocompatible graphene oxide monoliths, Tohoku University’s Chemistry Summer School, Sendai Japan. 24th-27th Aug, 2014
15. WB Wan, ZB Zhao, SH Liu, JS Qiu. Ice crystals guided folding of graphene for lithium ion batteries. 12th Korea-China-Japan Joint Symposium on Carbon, Buyeo, Korea. 18th-20th Dec., 2014
16. RM Yang, SH Peng, WB Wan, TC Hughes. Azobenzene based multistimuli responsive supramolecular hydrogels Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2 (43), 9122-9131.
17. 范彦如,赵宗彬,万武波,周泉,胡涵,邱介山. 石墨烯非共价键功能化及应用研究进展,化工进展,2011, 30: 1509-1520.
18. 万武波,赵宗彬,胡超,郗玲冲,邱介山. 基于石墨烯的多维度材料构筑及其性能研究,科技导报,2015,33 (5): 26-33.约稿综述.
19. 参与编写《Carbon nanomaterials》一书(英文版)中有关石墨烯的章节,该书由美国Drexel university, Yury Gogotsi教授任主编,Taylor and Francis Group出版发行